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Joe Hertzenberg stated agreement with the proposal with one <br />addition to the charge that would make an exclusive reference to gay <br />People. He suggested that sexual orientation be added to the list as <br />contained in item five under the title of Duties. <br />Macastuis Martinus asked that the Commission include <br />discrimination to handicapped children. He asked that the charge be <br />strong enough to actually allow the issues to be addressed. <br />Commissioner Carey indicated the Commission would not enforce laws <br />but bring to the Board those instances where violations occur and to <br />recommend and engage in certain activities to prevent violations to the <br />law as it relates to discrimination and to engage in activities to promote <br />understanding and tolerance in situations which may give rise to <br />discrimination. He proposed that the char a be a <br />as suggested by Joe Hertzenberg, g Pproved with an amendment <br />Commissioner Halkiotis opposed changing the charge. He stated the <br />proposal includes all facets of society and all relationships. Sexual <br />government need not get involved. <br />preference is a very private and personal responsibility and one is which <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner <br />Carey to approve the resolution and charge as amended. <br />VOTE: AYES, 4; NOES, 1 (Commissioner Halkiotis) <br />E. TELEPHONE TASK FORCE <br />file in the Clerk's Office) (copy of the letter is in the permanent agenda <br />Ms. Daryl Dunlap reported for the task force. She <br />proposed reply to NC Utilities Commission Docket P -10, SUB 428r Failure of <br />the Hillsborough Central Office of Centel Telephone Company on April 3, as <br />ordered by the NCUC on June 1, 1987 which is due June 18th at the <br />Utilities Commission. Two requests are made in the letter. With the <br />acceptance of the two major requests the task force is asking that the <br />docket be closed. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Hartwell, seconded by Commissioner <br />Carey to approve the recommendation as outlined in the letter to the <br />Utilities Commission and authorize the Chair to sign. <br />VOTE: UNANIMOUS. <br />F. ITEMS FOR DECISION - CONSENT AGENDA <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Care <br />Halkiotis to approve the consent agenda as listedebelowa by Commissioner <br />1. RENEWAL OF LEASES FOR HEAD START JOCCA AND CSCU6 <br />To approve lease renewals for Wake Opportunities, <br />Community School for People Under Six from JulloughCJune 30d <br />1988 and authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of the Board. 87 t <br />2• RENEWAL OF LEASE - EFLAND RESCUE UNIT BUILDING <br />To approve a lease renewal for the Efland Rescue Unit Building <br />through June 30, 1988 and authorize the Chai <br />Board. r to sign on behalf of the <br />3• AMENDMENT TO FLIGHT PARAMEDIC AGREEMENT <br />CONSENT AGENDA TO BE CONSIDERED LATER IN THE AGENDA. DELETED FROM THE <br />4. SECTION 8 ANNUAL CONTRIBUTIONS CONTRACT <br />To adopt a resolution authorizing execution of the Section 8 <br />Moderate Rehabilitation Housing Assistance Program and to authorize th <br />Chair to sign the Master Section 8 Annual Contributions Contract on behalf <br />of the board. e <br />