Agenda - 06-16-1987
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-16-1987
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10/18/2016 9:32:50 AM
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5/21/2015 10:43:32 AM
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''dbtivities and do some xeroxing for the various offices. Currently, the <br />'Department on Aging buses provide courier service between Chapel Hill and <br />Hillsborough. With reference to the telephone system, several options <br />have been reviewed and the automatic dialing seems to appear to be the <br />best option at this time. <br />PERSONNEL <br />Chair Marshall noted that going from the State System and implementing <br />a County Pay Plan presents some questions about pay equity, comparable <br />worth, etc. She asked for further explanation on flexible benefits and <br />what advantages or disadvantages would be derived from a new pay plan. <br />Beverly Whitehead explained the proposed pay plan for 1987 -88. The <br />basic salary schedule would be used as a basis for assigning classes of <br />positions to pay grades and the application of the pay plan to individual <br />employees. The current salary schedule does not provide for an equal <br />percent amount between steps or between grades. The new pay plan reflects <br />local policies and addresses local concerns and issues. She explained <br />that the County has had as a policy to adopt the state salary schedule. <br />When adopting this salary schedule, it is adopting a numerical table <br />not the state pay plan. The "zero" hiring rate which appears on the <br />salary schedule has not been used by the State for a year and a half. The <br />County has adopted the schedule but the same pay practices are not in <br />place. <br />The three goals set in developing a new pay plan tailor -made for <br />Orange County were (1) equity and pay practices which provides for an <br />equal percent amount between each step and each grade, (2) ability to <br />attract quality staff, and (3) ability to retain quality staff. The <br />proposed schedule would accomplish these three goals. The Manager's <br />recommended budget includes reclassifications as a result of significant <br />changes in the job and salary grade provisions based on a market survey. <br />The salaries for clerical personnel and eligibility specialist positions <br />in Social Services have been addressed with this new pay plan. She <br />reviewed the positions as listed on the personnel detail distributed to <br />the Board and stated that a strategy for implementation needs to be <br />developed. There are several options for moving an employee from the old <br />schedule to the new schedule. Each option would vary the increase <br />received by an employee -- from 5% to s %. <br />At the request of Chair Marshall, Beverly Whitehead explained how the <br />pay plan applies to both Health and Social Services. <br />Commissioner Halkiotis asked that a comparison be done of the salaries <br />for clerical personnel between the County, the Schools and the University. <br />Beverly Whitehead explained there is a different numberical table <br />for public education with a separate schedule for all other State <br />employees. <br />Commissioner Willhoit suggested using a percentage range for moving <br />into the new pay plan with a one step increase to reflect the reclassifi- <br />cation. <br />Discussion ensued and although the Board agreed generally to go with <br />the new pay plan, it was decided to wait on the results of the comparison <br />that Commissioner Halkiotis requested between the salaries of the clerical <br />employees before taking definite action. <br />Commissioner Willhoit suggested and the Board agreed to direct the <br />manager and the staff to bring back to the Board a proposal which would <br />provide a way to move to the new salary schedule with the transition from <br />the old to the new being the step that is nearest to five percent and to <br />indicate a range that will accomplish this transition. <br />FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLAN <br />Discussion was postponed to a later date. <br />Beverly A. Blythe, Clerk Shirley E. Marshall, Chair <br />
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