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<br />source-separated mixed paper collected by the Drop-off program, increased revenue for <br />additional paper collected by the Commercial program, and additional revenue for the corrugated <br />cardboard added to the Rural Curbside program. All these new tonnages and revenues are <br />enabled by the transition to commingled cans and bottles in the Drop-off and Commercial <br />collections. <br />Table 2 <br />Comparison of Tons and Revenues from Source Separated v. Commingled <br />Material Tons Mana ed Revenue <br />Projected tons and revenue source-separated <br />currenta roach <br />Source Separated Containers - Drop-off and <br />Commercial Pro ams <br />1,500 <br />$ 166,800 <br />Dro -off Mixed Pa er delivered loose 1,200 $ 24,000 <br />Commercial Pa er current levels 200 $ 5,000 <br />Sub-Total without transition to comrnin led 2,900 $ 195,800 <br />Projected tons and revenues commingled and <br />addin new ro rams <br />Commingled Containers - Drop-off and <br />Commercial Pro ams <br />2,000 <br />$ 52,800 <br />Dro -off Mixed Pa er baled 1,200 $ 48,000 <br />Ex ended Commercial Pa er 800 $ 20,000 <br />New source-se arated Plastic 100 $ 12,000 <br />Rural Curbside Cardboard Ex ansion 200 $ 5,300 <br />Urban Curbside Cardboard Ex ansion 300 Contractor kee s <br />Sub-Total of enhancements from transition 4,600 $ 138,100 <br />Net Increase Tons 1,700 -- <br />Net Decrease Revenue -- $ (57,700 <br />Summary of the primary costs and benefits associated with the transition to collecting <br />commingled containers and related program enhancements and expansions made possible by this <br />transition: <br />• First year costs, including capital expenditures = $363,800; <br />• Labor savings to be used to expand services = $80,000; <br />• Reduction in revenues = $57,700; <br />• Increase tonnage collected = 1,700; <br />• 25% increase in collection efficiency for Commercial and Drop-off Programs enables <br />program expansions including service to new businesses, addition of paper collection to all <br />serviced businesses, and addition of materials at drop-off sites; <br />• Increased hauling efficiency reduces number of outgoing loads of Rural and Multifamily <br />containers by 350 trips per year and enables addition of cardboard collection to Rural <br />Curbside program through increased storage capacity on yard and freeing up labor; <br />• Addition of corrugated cardboard to materials collected by Urban and Rural Curbside <br />Programs; <br />• Addition of new source-separated plastic to Drop-off Program <br />• Allows County to develop more productive relationships with the highly competitive third- <br />party processors (MBE's) in our region and build a body of knowledge to enable future <br />decision-making. <br />5 <br />