Agenda - 05-20-2008-6e
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-20-2008
Agenda - 05-20-2008-6e
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8/29/2008 8:54:12 PM
Creation date
8/28/2008 10:17:35 AM
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2 <br />Adding up to fifty commercial recycling sites, as capabilities allow, and addition of the <br />collection of all paper except corrugated cardboard, to currently collected commercial <br />sites interested in this service; <br />Preparation of language adding cathode ray tubes to those items banned from disposal <br />at the Orange County Landfill and expansion of the Electronics Recycling program to <br />manage additional materials resulting from this disposal ban; and <br />Development and implementation of an effective education and outreach effort to <br />publicize the changes and enhancements to the various recycling program expansions <br />described herein and to execute this plan consistent with program implementation. <br />Staff projects that the above improvements may increase recycling 1,700 tons overall while <br />reducing incoming revenue by $58,000 based on switching from sale of source separated bottle <br />and cans to commingled. In addition to the above costs and benefits, the program gains a <br />projected 25% in collection efficiency to enable these transitions, reduction of 350 trips per year <br />for hauling cans and bottles out to market and gains in experience for the County in market- <br />based management of recyclable materials at private Materials Recovery Facilities. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: New first year program costs are estimated at $363,800 in the Solid <br />Waste Enterprise Fund budget and are broken down as follows: <br />non-recurring capital costs totaling $215,800 include a walking floor trailer to haul cans <br />and bottles, a rubber tire loader to load them into the trailer, dumpsters and roll-off <br />containers for collection of new plastics and related signs, electrical work and pad <br />reconfiguration. <br />non-recurring intensive first year education costs to promote new programs of $41,400 <br />including mailing, advertisements and on-site instruction about recycling new plastics. <br />Future education costs will become part of standard program education. <br />recurring annual costs at $106,600 including leasing a road tractor, equipment <br />maintenance, fuel, contracted cardboard collection, and CRT collection. <br />There are projected annual labor efficiency savings of $80,000 to be reinvested in expanded <br />collections. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board endorse, pending <br />adoption of the FY 2008!09 budget, the service improvement approach for: <br />o the transition from the current source-separated program to commingled collection, <br />shipment and marketing of recyclables; <br />• adding corrugated cardboard to curbside recycling; <br />• ,adding new, source-separated plastics at drop-off sites; <br />• adding more commercial recycling stops; <br />• adding a ban on Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs) at the landfill; and <br />• implementing public education and outreach for all these changes. <br />
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