Orange County NC Website
FU <br />Our goal is to offer an option whereby a developer of a subdivision could install <br />the necessary infrastructure to off -set runoff from roadways and /or developed <br />parcels thereby relieving future property owners from accepting responsibility for <br />the installation and maintenance of individual stormwater management controls <br />on a lot by lot basis. This, in turn, may result in additional impervious surface <br />allocations for each proposed lot within a subdivision. <br />We are also looking to establish a policy to address older subdivisions, <br />developed prior to the adoption of impervious surface limits, where impervious <br />area within roadways are calculated as being within part of individual lots. <br />3. Staff is looking for direction from the BOCC on the need to establish impervious <br />surface limit(s) on those areas of the County not located within a Watershed <br />Protection Overlay District. <br />4. In addressing inquiries made by Dr. Janel Sexton at the December 9, 2014 <br />BOCC meeting, the County could: <br />a. Amend existing impervious surface limits within the various Watershed <br />Protection Overlay Districts to be consistent with current State allowances <br />as detailed in Attachment 1. <br />This would result in a net increase for some residents in the total <br />cumulative amount of permitted impervious surface area allowed on their <br />property. <br />STAFF COMMENT: It would be incumbent on local property <br />owners to work with staff to record new plats and <br />declarations of development restrictions to reflect this <br />increase in allowable impervious surface area. <br />The property owner would absorb any expense in the <br />creation of these document(s). <br />There will be a finite number of property owners who will be <br />able to take advantage of this provision. <br />b. Amend the UDO to allow for the placement of additional impervious <br />surface area on property with the installation /use of a BMP consistent with <br />State regulations. In staff's opinion this amendment would include, at a <br />minimum, the following elements: <br />i. Consistent with State policy, requiring a property owner to hire an <br />engineer to complete a stormwater assessment of the current <br />property identifying its infiltration rates and carrying capacity. This <br />would include the completion of a comprehensive soil assessment <br />for the property. <br />STAFF COMMENT: State officials have previously indicated <br />soils in our area do not universally lend themselves to being <br />viable candidates for the installation of a BMP and receiving <br />additional impervious surface allotments. Lots have to be <br />reviewed on a case -by -case basis. <br />10 <br />