Orange County NC Website
56 <br />UDO. This includes providing specific details on the board's conclusions on each applicable standard <br />for a given SUP. Even if the application is denied, there is an obligation to make a detailed finding <br />identifying the evidence utilized to deny the application. <br />The written decision must be signed and becomes effective upon filing with the Planning Department. <br />A copy of the written decision must be delivered to the applicant, property owner, and others as required <br />by State law. <br />16 Are decisions oil SUP applications subject to further review? <br />Yes. Decisions of the BOCC or Board of Adjustment on a SUP application are subject to by the <br />Superior Court. Appeal applications must be filed within 30 days with the court from the date the <br />decision is made available. Please refer to NCGS 160A -393 and Section 2.12.5 (A) of the UDO for <br />additional information. <br />