Orange County NC Website
11 <br />being created and no noise on the site. Solar array — public utility generate far fewer <br />vehicles trips than one average single - family home. Employees visit the site once a week <br />or even less frequently. Solar panels are designed to absorb light, rather than reflect it. <br />C The location and character of the use if developed according to o the plan submitted, <br />will be in harmony with the area in which it is to be located and the use is in compliance <br />with the plan for the physical development of the County as embodied in these <br />regulations or in the Comprehensive Plan or portion thereof, adopted by the Board of <br />County Commissioners. <br />The proposed solar array — public utility is consistent with the land use pattern that exists <br />in the area today. The site of the proposed solar array — public utility. In fact, there is an <br />existing solar utility located along White Cross Road in this area. A Type D Land Use <br />buffer will be provided in accordance with the Orange County Code. <br />The proposed solar array — public utility is consistent with the Orange County Land Use <br />Plan. Throughout the Orange County Land Use Plan references are made to the County's <br />desire to encourage locally - generated alternative energy resources and to promote <br />alternative and sustainable fuels. The Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory and Reduction <br />Action Plan initiated by Orange County in 2006 suggested that private alternative energy <br />production be encouraged in the County. The Orange County Comprehensive Plan <br />designates this as an area of Commercial - Industrial Transition. Allowing the subject <br />property to develop as a solar array — public utility provides an opportunity for locally <br />generated energy resources in Orange County and creates income for the property owners <br />and tax base for the County. <br />The proposed solar array — public utility will consume practically no county services: no <br />seats in county schools or on school buses, virtually no refuse or recycling needs, no <br />special sheriff protection, no light pollution, no emissions of any kind, no demand for <br />water from depleted aquifers and no sewage disposal. <br />D. The method and provision of sewage disposal facilities solid waste and water is <br />adequate. <br />This facility will be unmanned- there will be no space designed or utilized for human <br />occupancy. Water and sewage disposal facilities are not necessary, and will not be <br />provided to the site. Solid waste disposal will be similarly unnecessary. Any refuse <br />generated by landscape maintenance or facility repair will be removed from the site and <br />disposed of by the professional service providers using approved and safe methods. <br />E. Police fire and rescue squad protection is sufficient to the site. <br />There will be little, if any demand for police fire or rescue squad protection at this <br />location. The facility will be unmanned with no space designed or utilized for human <br />occupancy. <br />