Orange County NC Website
0 <br />Proposal: The proposed project is a village style development with approximately 34 dwelling <br />units and involves the preservation of the majority of the property as vegetative open space and <br />farm area (i.e. pasture and crop production). <br />Residences are proposed to range from 1 to 4 bedroom units clustered around a pedestrian trail <br />in the middle of the property surrounded by identified open space /farm areas. A common <br />house, a shared facility approximately 3,000 sq. ft. in area, is proposed to be developed as a <br />place where residents and their guests can meet for community meals, entertainment, and mail <br />pick -up. <br />The project will not involve the creation of individual parcels /lots for these residences. The <br />applicant is proposing to establish a condominium association where homeowners will own the <br />actual residential unit and then own a `share' of the overall development. Hart's Mill LLC will be <br />the primary property owner and assume the responsibility for the perpetual maintenance of the <br />property. <br />STAFF COMMENT. As previously indicated the property is located within a Transition Land Use <br />Category allowing for the submittal of the MPD -CZ application. The project is not required to go <br />through a Class A Special Use Permit review process as a major subdivision creating more than 20 <br />lots as individual parcels of property are not being created for the proposed residences. The <br />applicant, however, has voluntarily submitted documentation detailing compliance with applicable <br />standards at staffs request. <br />Access: Access shall be off of Frazier Road. The applicant is proposing the development of a single <br />driveway for vehicular ingress /egress with parking areas for residents and guests. Individual dwelling <br />units are accessible through a pedestrian path, which will be designed to accommodate emergency <br />vehicles (i.e. fire trucks and ambulances) in the event of an emergency. <br />STAFF COMMENT. Both Planning and NC Department of Transportation (NC DOT) staff have <br />reviewed the proposal and are satisfied with the proposed road layout. Extension of the right -of- <br />way to serve adjacent properties is not viable given the presence of streams and /or floodplains <br />and existing lot layouts. Please refer to Attachment 3 for correspondence between NC DOT <br />and the applicant concerning this project. <br />In discussing the project with Mr. Jason Shepard of the Orange County Emergency Services <br />Department, he has requested a condition be placed on the project that final roadway layout, <br />including widths and access points, be approved by the Fire Marshal's office as part of the final <br />site plan review process. Planning staff concurs with the recommended condition. <br />Utilities: The project is proposed to be served by septic systems located towards the eastern <br />portion of the property. A formal decision has not been made if this is to be accomplished by <br />individual, or a combined, septic system. The system will be reviewed and approved by the <br />State. <br />A water line, maintained by Orange Alamance Water System, shall provide potable water for the <br />project. Individual wells may be installed to serve as irrigation for crop /farm land. The line, <br />proposed to be 6 inches in diameter, will tie into an existing 6 inch line along Frazier Road. <br />