Orange County NC Website
12 <br />Figure 1 —Subject Property and Surrounding Parcels <br />DEVELOPMENT DESCRIPTION <br />Overview <br />The Hart's Mill site is comprised of 112 acres of gently sloping woodland, pasture, field and streams. The <br />applicant has worked with planning and permaculture professionals at Village Habitat Design and Living <br />Systems Design to develop a concept master plan which embodies long -term conservation, restoration <br />and stewardship of the land, as well as low- impact residential development. A major portion of the site <br />will be permanently protected for agricultural, forestry and natural habitat uses through easements, <br />deed restrictions and /or trusts. A compact village of small homes and accessory buildings is planned <br />which will cover only about 15 to 20% of the site on the west side near the entrance to Frazier Road. <br />Two additional homes associated with the farm are planned for the east side of the property, along with <br />a barn, garage, workshop, and shed to support agriculture and forestry activities. Utilizing permaculture <br />principles throughout the site for residential landscaping as well as food and timber production, a <br />diverse and sustainable ecosystem of plants and animals is envisioned that will provide a degree of self - <br />sufficiency for the residents. <br />2 1 Hart's Mill MPD -CZ Request <br />