Orange County NC Website
Structures on the site <br />In addition to the 100,000 square foot building, the site includes two storage sheds for building <br />materials (see attached aerial photo). The original lumber storage shed is approximately 8,000 <br />square feet. In 2001, the Lessee requested and received approval to add an 11,000 square foot <br />metal shed in order to increase the on-site lumber storage capacity. These three sided <br />structures, which are open to the front to allow large truck access for pick-up and off-loading, <br />add only nominal value to the leasehold value of the property and are not included in the square <br />footage calculations against which rent would be assessed. The Lessee was responsible for, the <br />total cost of the new structure. <br />A copy of the April 1, .2008 abstract and the original lease are attached for additional <br />background information. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The Board may recall that the original lease was set at $1/square foot, <br />significantly below market rate, to recognize the significant capital investment needed to make <br />the building suitable for use by Builders First Source. The recommended renewal rate of <br />$2.50/square foot is based on lease rates for comparable properties in the area. The County <br />may expect to receive a total of $250,000 in annual rent, an increase of $150,000 in revenue per <br />year from previous years. <br />Further, the lease terms require the tenant to pay taxes on the building as if it were privately <br />owned. The taxes-in-lieu amount paid to Orange County in 2007 was $47,313. Since the <br />company is outside of the Hillsborough city limits, no city taxes are collected. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board approve the lease rate for <br />Builder's First Source at 401 Valley Forge Road, Hillsborough at $2.50/square foot. <br />