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the Premises and $400,000 by the conclusion of its third year o.f <br />ciccupancy of the Premises. <br />4. Maintenance and Modifications. <br />a. Tenant agrees that during the Term it will, at .its <br />own expense, except as 'to rent set-offs expressly provided for in <br />this Lease., (i} keep.the Premises in reasonably safe condition <br />and { i. i. ) keep the building and all other improvements forzriii-ig a <br />part of the Premises in good repair and. in. good 'operating <br />condition, making from time to tune all necessary .repairs. thereto <br />{:including external and structural repairs) aril renewals and. <br />replacements t2er-eof. Tenant may, also at its own expense, make. <br />from tune to time any additions, znodifcati.ons or improvements to. <br />the Premises it may deem desirable for its business purposes that <br />dq not adversely affect the structural integrity of any buildings. <br />or structures Tocated on .the Premises. or substantially reduce the <br />value of the Premises.; provided that al such additions, <br />modifications and improvements to the Premises shall be located <br />wholly within the: boundary lines of the premises, All such <br />addit.a.ois:, modifications, and improvements so made. by Tenant :shall. <br />become a part of the Premises,: provided that any i em of personal <br />property, :machinery, equipment, furniture o:r fixture. installed by <br />Tenant for its business purposes without expense to Landlord. <br />which does not. constitute a part of t;he Premises; may be reinaved <br />by Tenant.. at any time and from dine to time while Tenant is not <br />in default under this Lease; and provided further, that ang <br />damage t.o the Premises occasioned by sucYi removal shall be <br /> Tenant at its own. expense. Tenant will not permit <br />any :mechanics' lien, security interest or other; encumbrance to' <br />remain against the Premises for labor or materials furnished -in <br />connection with any additions, modifications, improvements, <br />repairs, renewals or replacements so made by it; provided., tYiat <br />it Tenant shall first notify Landlord of its intention so to do, <br />Tenant may in gooel faith contest any mechanic's` or other liens <br />filed or establi hed against the Premises, and iri uch event may <br />permit the item so contested to remain undischarged and <br />unsatisfied during the period of such contest and any appeal <br />therefrom unless Landlord sh'a11 notify Tenant that, i:n the <br />o'p'inion of independent counsel, by nonpayment of any such items, <br />Landlord's::titl.e to the Premises will be materially endangered or <br />the Prem es or any part thereof will be subject to loss or <br />forfeiture,. in which egent Tenant shall promptly pay and cause to <br />be satisfied and discharge all such unpaid items. Landlord will, <br />at the expense Qf Tenant, cooperate fully with Tenant in any such <br />lien contest. <br />5: Taxes Assessments and Utilities. Tenant will promptly <br />pay', as the same become due, all taxes and other-government <br />charge's of any kind whatsoever that may at any time be lawfully <br />assessed or levied against or with respect.ta the Premises or any <br />interest tfieren or any machinery; equipment or other property <br />installed or located on the Premises; including all ad valorem <br />taxes lawfully assessed. Tenant will prgmpGly :pay., as the same <br />7 <br />