Orange County NC Website
M <br />(6) Solid Waste. A Solid Waste Management Plan will have to be prepared and <br />reviewed by Orange County Solid Waste. <br />Staff Comment: Mr. Jeff Scouten of Orange County Solid Waste reviewed the <br />plan and requested modifications. Please refer to Attachment 3 for Mr. <br />Scouten's comments. Staff recommends that the plan be revised accordingly <br />and approved by Solid Waste as a condition of approval. <br />II. Biological Inventory: <br />A Biological Inventory is required. The purpose of the inventory is to identify <br />` habitat diversity, species diversity, species or special concern such as those <br />designated as threatened or endangered, last known sighting, candidate species <br />likely to be present which may warrant protection, specimen trees outstanding in <br />size and /or species, and the status and source of the information complied in the <br />inventory' <br />Staff Comment. The Planning Department and the Department of Environment, Agriculture, <br />Parks, and Recreation (DEAPR) staff has reviewed the proposal and determined this project will <br />have no significant impact to animal /plant species on the property or existing habitat area <br />warranting special consideration or protection based on information contained within the <br />Inventory of Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitats for Orange County North Carolina. <br />The application includes a biological inventory completed by the Catena Group of Hillsborough <br />NC indicating the project will not have a detrimental impact on the local environment. <br />III. Landscaping and Buffering: <br />The UDO requires the submission of a landscape plan outlining the locations of existing <br />vegetation, areas proposed for preservation, as well materials for proposed planting areas. <br />Staff Comment: Staff has reviewed the landscaping and buffering plan and determined it is <br />consistent with the requirements of the UDO. <br />IV. Stormwater Management/Drainage /Grading and Erosion Control: <br />The applicant has provided a grading and stormwater management plan for the project <br />Staff Comment: Staff recommends a condition of approval be the grading and stormwater <br />management plan will be evaluated and approved by Orange County Erosion Control prior to <br />the commencement of earth disturbing activities. <br />V. Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA): <br />The purpose of the TIA is to identify any and all traffic improvements that will be necessary to <br />support the development. <br />Staff Comment: The applicant has supplied the required plan, which indicates that external <br />modifications to adjacent roadways will not be unnecessary to support the project. The <br />applicant will still be required to adhere to any permitting conditions imposed by NCDOT. Staff <br />recommends this become a condition of approval. <br />