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e <br />honeysuckle. The southern portion of the study area includes the EWS farm. Non -crop <br />herbaceous species observed in the field area include Bermuda grass, daffodil, hairy bittercress, <br />tall fescue, white clover, and wild garlic. <br />Faunal species expected to occur in the community are similar to the Dry Mesic Oak Hickory <br />Forest which include white tailed deer *, raccoon, grey fox, and the eastern gray squirrel. Bird <br />species typical for this community type include Carolina chickadee *, yellow - rumped warbler *, <br />northern cardinal, Eastern bluebird, house finch, American goldfinch, tufted titmouse *, Northern <br />mockingbird, Carolina wren *, and American robin *. Predator and scavenger birds typically <br />include the red - tailed hawks *, American kestrel, turkey vulture, and black vulture. American <br />toad, Fowlers toad, redback salamander, red- spotted newt, eastern box turtle, eastern fence <br />lizard, eastern garter snake, racer, rat snake, ringneck snake, and worm snake are also expected <br />to occur in the community. <br />4.2. Rare Species <br />Catena searched for Orange County listed protected species and /or habitat in the study area <br />(Appendix A). No protected species or habitat was observed within the project area. <br />4.3. Significant Trees <br />Across the EWS campus a few exceptionally large trees were noted (Figure 2). The Dry -Mesic <br />Oak - Hickory Forest community contained a very large White oak and Post Oak. The Piedmont <br />Semipermanent Impoundment community contained multiple very large loblolly pines. <br />5.0 CONCLUSION <br />Disturbed communities (Mixed Pine Forest and Maintained /Disturbed) comprised the majority of <br />the property (approximately 52.4% of the property). The remaining 47.6% is comprised of <br />natural communities (Dry -Mesic Oak - Hickory Forest - Piedmont Subtype, Piedmont Headwater <br />Stream Forest -Typic Subtype, and Piedmont Semipermanent Impoundment -Shrub Subtype). <br />Plants and animals observed on this property are consistent with local communities. No <br />protected species were observed within the property during the field investigation. <br />6.0 STANDARD OF CARE <br />The environmental services performed by Catena have been conducted with that degree of care <br />and skill ordinarily exercised under similar circumstances by reputable members of its industry <br />practicing in the same locality under similar budget and time constraints. No other warranty, <br />expressed or implied is made. <br />EWS Biological Inventory March 2015 <br />Catena Job# 6210 Page 6 <br />