Orange County NC Website
13 <br />1.3 Parcel Identification Numbers and Zoning for Campus Parcels <br />PIN <br />ZONING <br />PIN <br />ZONING <br />987164 7391 <br />PDHR1, RB <br />987164 5632 <br />RB <br />987165 8140 <br />RB <br />987174 3098 <br />RB <br />9871721935 <br />RB <br />1.4 Current Land Uses — the current campus is zoned RB (Rural Buffer) and PDHR1 (Planned <br />Development) and the land use is Private School. Adjacent properties are zoned RB and PDHR1 and the <br />current land uses are single family residential. <br />1.5 Permitted Uses — The existing school campus was permitted under a de -facto Class B Special Use <br />Permit used for permitting schools before 2002. The existing daycare / kindergarten building was <br />permitted in 2006. One of the goals of the Class A Special Use Permit that Emerson Waldorf is <br />requesting is to fold previous Special Use Permits into the new Permit so that future phases of school <br />expansion can be permitted under the same Special Use Permit and approved via staff level approval of <br />site plans conforming to the approved Master Plan. <br />1.6 Compliance with Future Land Uses — This proposal conforms to the many goals and future visions <br />for this area remaining in the "RURAL BUFFER" as. set forth by Orange County's Comprehensive Plan. <br />Through the school's managed growth and emphasis on •respect for the environment and for their <br />neighbors, the EWS will promote conformity to -the County's vision for this area of the county. <br />1.7 Operation Schedule —The school operates 5 days a week on ,a traditional September to May school <br />schedule. Summer camps are offered from mid -June through July from 8:30 -3:30 daily M -F. Students <br />are transported to and from campus by the individual families. No bus service is provided. <br />2. FINDINGS OF FACT (PERFORMANCE STANDARDS) <br />As this project requires the review and approval of a Class A Special Use Permit, there are three general <br />standards contained within Section 5.3.2(A)(2) of the Unified Development Ordinance that the County <br />must affirm in approving the project. Within this portion of the narrative, the applicant would like to <br />offer a summary of the evidence we intend to produce, justifying an affirmative finding. <br />(1) The Use will maintain and promote the public, health, safety and general welfare. <br />Campus improvements associated with implementation of the various elements proposed in the master <br />plan include: <br />Internal traffic pattern adjustments and parking improvements, based on NCDOT MTSA Traffic <br />Management Unit recommendations will provide the ability to stack carpool traffic on campus roads <br />during daily student drop off and pickup times. These improvements will also better separate on- <br />campus automobile circulation from pedestrian circulation. <br />Fire and EMS rescue access to existing and proposed buildings on campus will be better articulated to <br />improve response times and reduce conflict with on- campus traffic. New buildings will be sprinklered <br />