Orange County NC Website
EMERSON WALDORF SCHOOL CAMPUS MASTER PLAN <br />SPECIAL USE PERMIT NARRATIVE <br />INTRODUCTION <br />12 <br />The Emerson Waldorf School (EWS), established in Chapel Hill in 1984, is a Pre -K thru grade 12 private <br />school located on a 54 acre campus at 6211 New Jericho Road at its intersection with Millhouse Road in <br />Orange County, NC. The existing school campus currently contains approximately 22,971 sf of classroom <br />and support facilities in twelve buildings with an existing student population of +/ -260, supported by a <br />staff of 53 FT /PT teachers and administrators. The school includes Early Childhood (Kindergarten and <br />Nursery), Lower School (15t -8th grades), and High School (9th — 12th grades). A school owned and <br />operated teaching farm is located across Millhouse Road from the main campus. All students are <br />transported to and from campus by private vehicle. Bus transportation is not offered by the school <br />except for off campus trips, which only occur a couple of times per year. <br />1.1 About Waldorf — The EWS provides an integrated Waldorf curriculum and environment which <br />encourages and promotes independent thinking and social responsibility as well as academic and artistic <br />excellence. The EWS is affiliated with the international association of Waldorf Schools, one of the largest <br />school movements in the world. Waldorf education, founded by Rudolf Steiner in Germany in 1919, is <br />dedicated to the effort to guide the spirit in the human being to discover the spirit in the universe. <br />1.2 Purpose and Intent —The EWS is requesting a Special Use Permit for an updated campus masterplan <br />that will provide a road map by which the school can plan for the location of new buildings and support <br />facilities, phased over a period of 15 years, and would support an increase in student population to <br />approximately 350 students and 55 staff by 2030. All proposed improvements would be located on the <br />existing 54 acre school campus. No increase in campus acreage is proposed. <br />The school's proposed master plan includes: <br />• a 1,776 sf building addition that would connect the existing east and west wings of the lower <br />school building (P1 on Sheet C -4) <br />• a 1,650 sf 8th Grade Classroom Bldg (P2 on Sheet C -4) <br />• renovation of an existing 1,573 sf for Eurythmy (dance) (P2 -A on Sheet C -4) <br />• three new building additions to the high school campus totaling approximately 6,644 sf (PS- <br />A,B,C,D on Sheet C -4) <br />• a 5,220 sf addition to the Early Childhood Center (P4 on Sheet C -4) <br />• a 13,942 sf Gymnasium (P7 on Sheet C -4) <br />• a 12,593 sf Auditorium (P8 on Sheet C -4) <br />• a 1,364 sf renovation / addition to existing Shop Bldg for relocation of school administration (P3 <br />on Sheet C -4) <br />• an 11,800 sf Arts Center (P6 on Sheet C -4) <br />• internal roadways, surface parking and pedestrian improvements <br />• potable water, septic system and stormwater infrastructure improvements as required to <br />support the expanding facilities on campus <br />