<br />MCCi, a Limited Liability Company and subsidiary of MUNICIPAL CODE CORPORATION, which is duly
<br />organized and existing under the Imvs of the State of Floridq hereinnRer referzed to as MCCi, hereby offers iha
<br />Lase~che Sofiwnre & Services to the County of ORANGE, NORTH CAROLINA, a corporation duly organized
<br />anti existing under state Imo, hereinnlfer referzed to as the Client, ncwrding to the following terms and conditions.
<br />LASERFICHE SOFTWARE. MCCi will provide the Client with n full-featured version of the Lase~che (LF)
<br />Sofiwnre. This software is a records repository allowing stomge, retrieval and imaging of all documents. Capabilities
<br />include nn intuitive browse window, index cards, full-text indexing, keyword template search, fuzry word search, and
<br />virtually unlimited folders, giving users access to any document instantly. Laserficbe provides a truly concurrent
<br />licensing structure. Instead of purchasing n license Cor every computer with Lase~che installed, licenses can be
<br />purchased to suit the needs of the number of people enterprise-wide that will use Lase~che. The number of licenses
<br />purchased equals Ute number of concurrent users of Lase~che. For example the 12 Retrieval users could be installed
<br />on 20 different PCs but only 12 of them could access the system simultaneously.
<br />• LASERFICHE TEAM: Our entry-level product line is bundled with MSDE. Lnse~che Team wmes with one
<br />database, which holds up to a million pages and can support up to five full and ten retrieval users. Like United,
<br />users and databases con be added in increments oCone.
<br />• LASERFICHE UNITED: Our premiere suite of products. Laserficbe United will support MSSQL databases
<br />(engine not included). You can start with one database and upgrade to an enterprise version with up to IS
<br />databases. You con add full users, retrieval users and databases in increments of one.
<br />• LASERFICHE RECORDS MANAGEMENT EDITION: The Laserficbe Records Management Edition is a
<br />special package that includes Lasertche 7.0, Advanced Audit Trail anti the Records Management Module. It
<br />complies with the Department of Defense records management standard (DoD 5015.2). The DoD 50]5.2 standard
<br />was created as a best-practices guide for records management within deportmenu in the Department of Defense
<br />and has since been endorsed by the United StNes National Archives & Records Administration (NARA). The
<br />Laserficbe Records Management Edition was designed and developed around the slandnrd and is n turnkey
<br />solution for managing imaged, electronic anti physical records. The Rewrds Management Edition is fully
<br />integrated wittin the Laserficbe interface, presenting n uniform look anti feel to all users anti simplifying the
<br />adherence to formal records management prnctiars within a subset of a Lose~che repository.
<br />Standnlanas:
<br />• EXECUTIVE: Executive is designed to be ¢ standalone version of the full Lase~che ClienUServer, so it offers
<br />Ute Cull functionality of the Client for one licensed uses That user can scan and OCR, create as many volumes as
<br />necessary, veld store ns many pages as MSDE allows.
<br />• DESKTOP: Desktop is our smndalone solution For small organizations or persons with limited needs. Thus, it
<br />allows one user to create only n single volume with n limit of 16,000 pages, and cannot support any additional
<br />Lnserficbe modules.
<br />• NOTEBOOK: Notebook is n sinndnlone that is meant to supplement wtother Lase~che ClienUServer system by
<br />allowing workers outside the main office, such as public service workers out "in the field;' to access documents
<br />without n connection to the main Laserficbe Server by taking a portion of the repository with them on a laptop
<br />computes As such, Notebook cm allow one user to store as many volumes and pages as MSDE and the
<br />computer's hard"vme will allow, but it does not include the capability to scan and OCR Documents are, instead,
<br />imported into Notebook from the main system as briefcases or volumes system already OCRed anti indexed.
<br />LASERFiCIIE PLUG [NS, UTILITIES & TOOLS. MCCi can provide additional Lnse~che Plug-ins UUIi0es, &
<br />Tools software. Laserficbe offers a selection of add-ons and development tools designed to let you tailor Lase~che
<br />to meet your needs.
<br />feature Plue Ins:
<br />• Lasertche import AgentT^' automates document importng and document management within Lase~che,
<br />particularly well-suited to work with multi-function peripherals
<br />• Lnserficbe SeanConnectT^' Lase~che ScnnConnect allows ISIS scanning. A collection of ISIS scanner drivers is
<br />included wiUt Lase~che ScanConnect These drivers allow images to be scanned through supported scanners.
<br />ScanConnect 7.x is can be purohased as nn add-onto both Laserficbe scanning anti Quick Fields.
<br />• Lnserteba SnapslmtT"' Lnserficbe Snapshot can generate images anti text from an electronic file (e.g. a Word
<br />document, n web page, n text editor, etc.). The files generated by Lnserficbe Snapshot capture the content of the
<br />electronic file of the time that it was processed In other words, they represent on nccurWe portrayal of an
<br />electronic file at a given point in time. The images and text created from an electronic file are then stored in a
<br />Lnserficbe repository. As you con see, Lase~che Snapshot can be used ns n tool to archive a particular version of
<br />an electronic file. Laterfirhe Snapshot can process any electronic file that ran be opened with a Windows
<br />application Ihat has printing capabilities.
<br />Distribution Piue Ins
<br />• Laserficbe WebLinkT^' The WebLink module publishes select documents in a Lasertche repository to an
<br />intmnet orthe Intemet inrend-only form. Documents can be made available through the Web almost instnnUy,
<br />and users need only an Intemet browser in order to access Ihem Built on ASP .NET, Webt.ink can be customized
<br />to match the look and Ceel oCan organization's Intemet or Intranet site.
<br />• Lnserficbe WebAccess Lase~che Web Access is n Web browser-based thin client offering virtually all o[ the
<br />document management wpabili0es of the standard Laserficbe interface. Web Access allows your IT staff to roll
<br />out high-volume Lnserficbe access without increasing your organization's application support burden. Authorized
<br />users organization-wide enjoy simuitoneous access to documents, whether they me using the corporate Intranet or
<br />logging in Crom a branch office.
<br />• LnsarRcha PIusT^' Laserficbe Plus allows the information stored in a Laserficbe repository to be portable.
<br />Laserficbe documents published by Lasefirhe Plus can be viewed by anybody, regardless of whether they have
<br />Lasertche installed. [f these portable Lnserficbe documents are sent to a company or site That already has
<br />Lasertche installed, then that organization can also choose to attach those documents to their repository. This
<br />sotware prepares a copy of the Laserficbe files (images, text, electronic files, annotations, templates and field
<br />data) for burning directly to your removable media or to a tempornry directory. Choosing to publish to a
<br />temporary directory allows you to write it to your removable media ntyour convenience.
<br />• Laserficbe E-Mail Plug-inT"' nllmvs instant electronic document distribution via standard MAPI-compliant e-
<br />mnilapplications.
<br />• Laserficbe COLD/COLD PlusT^' archives machine-generated reports to digital mediq eliminating great
<br />quantities of paper reports, cutting stomge costs anti allowing immediate report retrieval.
<br />Workfow& Process Automation
<br />• Lnserficbe Workflow: Efficiency and accountability-enhancing document routing, e-mail notification and audit
<br />troll reporting.
<br />• Losartcire Audit Trail Modules: Three levels of audit reporting to address your specific regulatory compliance
<br />and security needs.
<br />• LF Audit Trail -Starter: This edition tracks who accesses data in the repository, as well ns changes made to the
<br />repository. Users can then generate reports on the life-cycle of documents, anti who has accessed them.
<br />• LF Audit Trail-Standard: Sites with a Imger amount of activity in their repository can use this edition to set up
<br />event logging according to individual users. This Blows a more finely grained auditing configumfion that tracks
<br />only the dam Utnt a particular customer needs. Standard features the !racking of foiled attempu to change content
<br />in the repository, giving more insight into user activities. Ail the functionality of the Starter edition is also
<br />included.
<br />• LP Audit Trail -Advanced: Customers opernting in the most demanding regulatory environments find this
<br />version ideally suited to their needs. Besides doing everything that the other hvo versions do, it also tracks
<br />changes in security setfings, so not only what a user is looking at or changing is tracked, but who gave them the
<br />right to do so. Searches are also tracked. For ndditionol document security, with Uds edition mers can ba required
<br />to submit reasons for printing and exporting documents. Administrators con tome printed documents to have
<br />Watermarks applied to them
<br />Botch Processine
<br />• Laseficbe Quick FieldsT^' automotes documatt sorting and indexing for reduced data entry vests anti manual
<br />indexing errors. Laserf the Quick Fields is n collection of image processing and enhancement tools wrapped in
<br />nn elegant anti intuitive interface. We call Quick Fields a document capture platform because it is so much more
<br />than just an oftine scanning tool. Because Quick Fields was developed specificdly for Laserficbe document
<br />imaging and management solutions, it offers n unique funcionnlity set designed to simplify nutomnted capture
<br />and classification oC documents. In addition to working with most produc0on level scanners, Quick Fields
<br />supports the Universal Cnptura plug-in and includes n powerful tool called the Lasertche Capture Engine. The
<br />basic premise of the Laserficbe Capture Engine is to provide the ability to "scan" documents into Quick Fields
<br />from n Lase~che repository. This fairly simple idea is extremely pmverfut became it eliminates dependence on
<br />traditional scanners in order to take advantage of nutomnted image processing technology. With Quick Fields, it
<br />does not matter bolo on organization images their documents. They could be scanned through n nehvorked
<br />copier/scanner, automnticalty imported from a fax server or converted from an electronic format through
<br />Snapshot, anti Quick Fields will process them as if they were scanned in directly.
<br />• Pattern Mntchiag: The Pnttem Matching add-on looks for n specified pattem within auser-defined value. This
<br />process can be rued to identify a document, validate dntq or to save the matching data along with a document.
<br />The pattem that toil] be searched for is defined by the user through predefined criteria (regular expressions). A
<br />regular expression looks Cor a certain pattem in n string. R can then use this pattem to look for a character or a set
<br />of characters.
<br />• QF Real-time look up: look up and extract data from n 3b party database, verity values extrncted from an image
<br />matched values in the 3b party database
<br />• QF Zone OCR: Images that contain steady printed or typed information can be converted to text files through a
<br />process sailed OCA (OpUCaI Character Recognition). Once text has been exhected Crom on image, it can be sent
<br />along with the image to the repository. Once the document has been imported into the repository, the extrected
<br />text will be associated with the cerresponding image in the document The Intemnfional Zone OCR add-on will
<br />scan n zone on on image for text Only text found within the zone will be extracted. The data returned by This
<br />process con be used to identify n page, populate a field, determine rho document nnrrte, or detemdne where the
<br />document will be stored. The International Zone OCR addron can be insWied when Quick Fields is first installed
<br />or after it has already been insmlied.
<br />• Lasertche Import Ageat: LaSerficha Tmport Agent is n capture tool Ihnt can bring files into a Laserficbe
<br />repository Crom rho Windows tle system. Any file that can be stored in Laserficbe can also be imported vin
<br />Import Agent. What's more, Import Agent allows for scheduled and selective imports, so that users can set up
<br />specific criteria for what gets imported when. Import Agent can create fully OCRed and indexed documents,
<br />complete with tempinte information and filed in the repository.
<br />• QF Bar Code Recognition: The Bnr Code addron rends bar codes on nspecified page in the document The value
<br />returned by the bar coda process can be used to identify n page, populate a field, determine the document name, or
<br />detemdne where the document will be stared. Bnr Code is very powerful when combined with Real Timo
<br />Lookup. Supported borcoda formats: Codabar, CODE 39, CODE 125, EAN 8, EAN I3, Interleaved 2 of 5,
<br />UPCA, and UPCE.
<br />• QF Quick Forms: permits multiple document classification, as well as include advanced enpabilities such as
<br />Form recognition, form registratioq form remove! and optical mark recognition.
<br />• QF Document Clossiteatloo: designed for clients who deal with multiple tome, and will recognize and process
<br />multiple document types.
<br />• QF AanoWton/Bates Numbering: The Bates slump option is n document Hato-numbering annotation opton
<br />• Forms Processing: The Forou Processing add-on consists of four processes, which are Lase~che Form
<br />Extractor, Form Identification, Laserficbe Fomr Registrnfion, and Laserficbe Optical Mmk Recognition (DMR).
<br />Form Extrector removes the Inyout from nn image anti leaves data in a region specified on the page. Fonn
<br />Identification identifies images according to the layout of the page. Form Registrnlion aligns images to match the
<br />Inyout of the Conn. OMR detects whether a region has been marked by comparing it vvilh the same region on n
<br />master Corm. This add-on can only process or recognize forms when processing black & white images.
<br />Additional information is available.
<br />Inteeration
<br />• LF lategrator's Toolkit Toots & documentaUOn necessary for customizing Laserficbe
<br />• LF Integration Express: Packaged solution for image-enabling integrations
<br />• LF Integratoa E:press GIS: Simplified image-enabling integrations behveen Laserficbe and geographic
<br />information systems.
<br />MCCi will be happy to quote any of the above options, with the associated training expense upon your request
<br />LASERFICHE SOFTWARE UPGRADE. When software is upgraded, the old copy of the software must be
<br />returned and will no longer be n valid cepy. Proof of previous purchase is required to receive upgrade. Upgrade
<br />credit applied towards new purchase is I00% of original purchase price, The difference between the new system
<br />(server, full and retrieval users) price anti the aid system (server, full and retrieval users) price must be greater titan or
<br />equal to 10 % of the new system price. Otherwise, n minimum soRvvare upgrade adjustment will be applied to wmpiy
<br />with the 10% price difference requirement One year of LSAP must be purchased for new products when upgrading.
<br />LSAP of the originn) product will Hat be credited. However, remaining months of LSAP can be applied towards the
<br />new purohnse of one year of LSAP for the new products.
<br />LASERFICHE 5OFT'WARE SUPPORT. Sofiwme Support for the above software packages is offered by MCCi
<br />anti Computink. (developers of Lase~che software) Lase~che Software Assurance Plon (LSAP) includes: Access to
<br />sofiwaro version updates, Telephone or E-Moil support for software related issues, 24hour FTP and web site access,
<br />technical bulletins and netvsletiers. Adjustments in annual support rates may be mode to coincide with curzent U.S.
<br />in0otion rntes. Any updates requiring shipment of software require Client to pay shipping costs.
<br />• FabSoft Reform Soflwnre - FabSoR Reform streamlines business workflow by automating document
<br />management, enhancement, anti distribution. Reform will capture the print stream from any operating system,
<br />appligaton, or device; enhance it; and intelligently distribute it to printers, fax, email and archive systems. Users
<br />can generate customized forms, invoices, trnnsnctional documents, etc: giving them n professional look and Ceel
<br />without having to buy expemive pre-printed forms. Enhanced documents me intetligenUy distributed by ming
<br />infomtation axtrncted from the print stream, such as fax numbers and email addresses-eliminating the hassle of
<br />manually entering destination information. Reform can also control indexes and directory locations integration
<br />with our Lase~che solutions.
<br />• FabSoft Reform Support-Software Support for the FnbSoR Reform Software is offered by MCCi and includes:
<br />Telephone or E•Mnil support for soRwme related issues, web site access, technical bulletins and newsletters.
<br />FabsoR's direct support policy is based on n charge per call if the issues wmmnis them being directly involved. In
<br />the event that n FabsoR call is needed, MCCi's support plan covers up to two direct FabsoR calls peryenr, while
<br />MCCi support is unlimited. Adjustmenu in annual support rates may be made to coincide with curzent U.S.
<br />intotion rotes.
<br />• FnbSoft Reform Upgrades & Updates- Minor automatic software updates are included, while software
<br />upgrndes me available for odditionol costs. Pricing is nvnilable upon request
<br />MCCi SOFTWARE CUSTOMIZATIONS. The customer may elect to contract "viUt MCCi to crstomize the
<br />stondmd software. As the basic (Lasertche) software is upgraded, any customizations performed will require support
<br />in the form of updating through our Integrtion Support Assurance Program (ISAP). ISAP must be curzent to receive
<br />updates to the integration nt no additiond charge.
<br />• Other programs cad Effects. Upgrades to existing programs, or the acquisition of new programs from vendors
<br />other than MCCi, may have art effect on customizations made to the software by MCCi. MCCi will not be held
<br />responsible if upgrades or changes mode by the customer or another vendor or opplicaton preclude the operation
<br />of MCCi's customizations.
<br />CLIENT SOFTWARE CUSTOMIZATIONS. Tho client may also choose to customize Uteirsofiware internally,
<br />without MCCi's help. MCCi is not responsible For any dnntnges caused by the user's customiznfion of the software.
<br />MCCi will not be held responsible for corzecting any problems that may occur from these customizations. Routine
<br />updates to the soMvare may affect any cmtomizadons made by the user. If MCCi's help is required to correcUupdnte
<br />any customizations made by the client, appropriate charges will apply.
<br />SOFTWARE INSTALLATION. MCCi will install nil software outlined herein. If additional software is needed to
<br />bring the site up to specifications, customer will be billed accordingly.
<br />END USER TRAINING. MCCi will provide instmctor-led bonds-on training in the opern6on of the Lase~che
<br />Sofiwme.
<br />