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27 <br />32 <br />Comment: See G.S. 143-318.13(c). <br />Rule 25. Introduction of Ordinances, Resolutions, and Orders. <br />A proposed ordinance shall be deemed introduced at the first mee <br />at which it is on the agenda and actually considered by the boar <br />introduction shall be recorded in the minutes. <br />Comment: G.S. 153A-45 provides that an ordinance may not be <br />finally adopted at the meeting at which it is introduced except <br />unanimous vote. The definition of introduction therefore is impo <br />tant because it makes a difference in the number of votes re- <br />quired to adopt an ordinance. The rule assumes that a measure is <br />introduced only when the board begins to consider the matter. <br />Rule 26. Adoption, Amendment, or Repeal of Ordinances. <br />To be adopted at the meeting where first introduced, an ordi- <br />nance or any action with the effect of an ordinance, or any ordi <br />nance amending or repealing an existing ordinance (except the <br />budget ordinance, a bond order, or other ordinance requiring a <br />public hearing before adoption), must be approved by all mem- <br />bers of the board of commissioners. If the proposed measure is <br />approved by a majority of those voting but not by all members <br />of the board, or if the measure is not voted on at the meeting <br />where introduced, it shall be considered at the next regular <br />meeting of the board. If the proposal receives a majority of the <br />votes cast at the next meeting or at a meeting within 100 days <br />of being introduced, it is adopted. <br />. <br />Adoption of Ordinances, Resolutions, Proclamations and Orders <br />A motion shall be adopted by a majority of the votes cast for <br />any and all resolutions, proclamations and orders. The vote <br />shall express the sense of the board on a question or issue <br />brought before it and shall serve as an official declaration of <br />particular state of fact or circumstance. <br />Comment: See G.S. 153A-45. See also G.S. 153A-46 for re- <br />quirements for granting franchises. <br /> A majority of the board membership shall <br />Rule 27. Quorum. <br />constitute a quorum. The number required for a quorum is <br />not affected by vacancies. If a member has withdrawn from a <br /> <br />