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26 <br />31 <br />Comment: provides that once a motion <br />RobertÔs Rules of Order <br />has been stated by the chair for debate, it cannot be withdrawn <br />without the assemblyÔs consent. Such a procedure is unneces- <br />sary for a small board. <br />VII Quorum and Other Rules <br /> It is the duty of each member to vote <br />Rule 22. Duty to Vote. <br />unless excused by a majority vote according to law. The board <br />shall excuse members from voting on matters involving their <br />own financial interest or official conduct as provided by law. A <br />member who wishes to be excused from voting shall so inform <br />the chair, who shall take a vote of the remaining members. No <br />member shall be excused from voting except in cases involving <br />conflicts of interest, as defined by the board or by law, or the <br />memberÔs official conduct, as defined by the board. In all othe <br />cases, a failure to vote by a member who is physically present <br />in the meeting, or who has withdrawn without being excused <br />by a majority vote of the remaining members present, shall be <br />recorded as an affirmative vote. <br />Comment: G.S. 153A-44 provides that board members have a <br />duty to vote, but does not state the remedy for failure to do so <br />Many boards record all members as voting yes on any matter <br />put to vote unless members audibly vote no. A few boards <br />reverse the presumption and record members as voting no <br />unless they audibly vote yes. <br />No vote may be taken by <br />Rule 23. Prohibition of Secret Voting. <br />secret ballot. If the board decides to vote by written ballot, e <br />member shall sign his or her ballot and the minutes shall record <br />the vote of each member. These ballots shall be retained and mad <br />available for public inspection until the minutes of that meetin <br />have been approved, at which time they may be destroyed. <br />Comment: See G.S. 143-318.13(b) <br />The board shall not deliber- <br />Rule 24. Action by Reference. <br />ate, vote, or otherwise act on any matter by reference to an <br />agenda or document number unless copies of the agenda or <br />documents being referenced are available for public inspection <br />at the meeting and are so worded that people at the meeting <br />can understand what is being discussed or acted on. <br /> <br />