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I Town Council Member Cianciolo said he came out of the council meeting feeling like he <br />2 could go with either option. He said the SWCC equity issue does not concern him very much, <br />3 and he can make an argument that these are a valued asset for the entire County. He said it is <br />4 important to work together more, and he noted that there are 75 percent more citizens living in <br />5 the City of Durham than there are in the whole of Orange County, and there is also competition <br />6 with things happening at the state level. He said the council members would have to sell the <br />7 single fee option to residents if that is what is chosen. <br />8 He said a recent report listed Orange County as the healthiest county in the state. He <br />9 said having people drive less frequently to drop off their trash should have a positive effect on <br />10 the environment, and this is one of the things that can be discussed in convincing the <br />11 community of the value. He has no objections to the single fee with option 2. <br />12 Alderman Seils said this is an opportunity to do something positive for all residents in <br />13 Orange County. He said this will expand recycling and do something everyone can feel good <br />14 about. He said it is important to create opportunities to participate in the program, and the feels <br />15 the two tier program is divisive. He is supportive of the flat fee option. <br />16 Town Council Member Palmer asked Alderman Chaney about her earlier comment and <br />17 how people would be saving money. <br />18 Alderman Chaney said she based this on the information on the spreadsheet attached <br />19 to their agenda abstract. <br />20 Gayle Wilson said there are some winners and losers in this process. He said single <br />21 family homeowners in the towns will be paying less than the rural areas, but the urban multi - <br />22 family will be paying more. He read through these numbers from the chart. <br />23 Gayle Wilson said generally the single family homes are paying less and non - residential <br />24 and multi - family dwellings will be paying more. <br />25 Town Council Member Palmer said she did not study the chart well enough to see the <br />26 cost savings, and she feels that her Council needs to discuss this further. She expressed <br />27 appreciation for this discussion. <br />28 Mayor Kleinschmidt said this has been a good discussion, and it has given everyone a <br />29 chance to talk about what they care about most. He said it is possible to be respectful of the <br />30 differing views and recognize the value of the principles that everyone brings to these <br />31 conversations, and this will lead to a more satisfying outcome. <br />32 Mayor Kleinschmidt said the Chapel Hill Town Council has some things to talk about. <br />33 He does not see any difference in these two options creating barriers, and he would appreciate <br />34 hearing how option 1 creates barriers to the larger goal. He does have concerns about the <br />35 County's general waste stream being funded disproportionately from this fee. He would like to <br />36 see his colleagues continue to provide comments and perspective. <br />37 Chair McKee said this has been the best AOG meeting he has attended in the last five <br />38 years. He said the points have been well stated and respectful. He said the County has a <br />39 great recycling program now, and everyone in the room wants to make it better. He said he <br />40 originally thought this goal could not be reached, but he sees now that the target will be <br />41 reached, and possibly exceeded. <br />42 Chair McKee said some good points were made about the convenience centers, and he <br />43 thinks the center on Eubanks Road is going to provide a better service. <br />44 Chair McKee said he is supportive of the single fee. He said there is no way to make it <br />45 fair for every person in the County, but this is a good place to start. <br />46 Town Council Member Palmer asked about the timeline going forward. <br />47 Bonnie Hammersley said the SWAG will be meeting on April 1 st and will make a <br />48 recommendation for the respective governing boards to decide on. <br />49 Chair McKee said the point for tonight was to lay concerns on the table. He said <br />50 everyone is moving into budget season, so there are decisions to be made. <br />