Orange County NC Website
;lease, and posted flyers in government buildings /facilities <br />nd businesses in the county. The press release was <br />ublished in the print version of the News of Orange on <br />3nuary 29, 2014. <br />® Other: Planning staff has worked with DEAPR staff and the Agricultural <br />Preservation Board to ensure the "agricultural community" is <br />informed of the amendments. <br />3. FISCAL IMPACT <br />Consideration and approval will not create the need for additional funding for the <br />provision of County services. Costs for the required legal advertisement will be paid <br />from FY2013 -14 Departmental funds budgeted for this purpose. Existing County <br />staff included in Departmental staffing budgets will accomplish the work required to <br />process this amendment. <br />D. AMENDMENT IMPLICATIONS <br />These amendments would allow for appropriate agriculturally - related uses either by <br />right, with a special use permit, or via a conditional zoning district (ASE -CZ) in the Rural <br />Buffer land use classification, subject to use - specific standards (Article 5) and the <br />general development standards (Article 6) that apply to all development. <br />Please also see section B.2 above for additional information. <br />E. SPECIFIC AMENDMENT LANGUAGE <br />See Attachment 3. <br />Primary Staff Contact: <br />Perdita Holtz <br />Planning & Inspections <br />919- 245 -2578 <br />pholtz <br />W <br />7 <br />