Orange County NC Website
Article 2: Procedures 15 <br />Section 2.5: Site Plan Review <br />(T) e lines and numbers if the development is to be phased; <br />(U) Methods of al of trees, limbs, stumps and construction debr ociated with the <br />permitted activity. Op ning of trees, limbs, stumps r construction debris <br />associated with the permitte is expres ibited; <br />(V) Compliance with County adopte ss m ement, transportation and /or connectivity <br />plans and denote the lo i of future roadway(s) a cess easements, whether <br />public or priv , ensure and encourage future connectivi , <br />(W) . ional information may be required based on the site location and the f <br />development proposed. <br />2.5.4 Procedures and Timeframes <br />(A) Upon submission, the Planning Director shall review the site plan application for <br />completeness in form and content according to this Article. <br />(B) If an application is incomplete, it will be returned to the applicant within five working days. <br />(C) When a complete application has been accepted, the plan(s) shall be distributed to <br />applicable agencies, DAC, and other departments for review and comment. <br />(1) Applications for agricultural support enterprise uses located within the Rural <br />Buffer land use classification, as depicted on the Future Land Use Map of the <br />adopted Comprehensive Plan, shall be forwarded to the County's Agricultural <br />Preservation Board for review and comment. <br />(a) The Agricultural Preservation Board shall have 30 calendar days to <br />provide comments. If comments are not received within this timeframe, <br />the application review process shall not be delayed. <br />(b) For purposes of this subsection, agricultural support enterprise uses <br />shall be defined as those permitted in the ASE -CZ zoning district, as <br />detailed within Section 5.2.3 of this Ordinance.' <br />(D) The Planning Director shall review the plan(s) based on, but not limited to, the following <br />general criteria: <br />(1) Compliance with all applicable County ordinances; <br />(2) Extent and intensity of impacts to the surrounding area; <br />(3) Respect for existing site conditions, including slope, vegetation, drainage <br />patterns, etc.; <br />(4) Efficient use of the land to minimize disturbance and grading and to conserve <br />energy; <br />(5) Safe and efficient vehicular and pedestrian circulation; <br />(6) Logical placement of structures and other site functions; <br />(7) No open burning of trees, limbs, stumps and construction debris associated with <br />the permitted activity; and <br />(8) Compliance with any previously issued Special Use or Conditional Use Permit(s) <br />associated with the project. <br />1 This section is being added in response to Town of Carrboro and Chapel Hill recommendations that the <br />Agricultural Preservation Board be given the opportunity to review and comment on any applications in the Rural <br />Buffer. Planning staff is recommending a 30 day comment period to ensure that the review /approval process for <br />uses permitted by right does not become overly lengthy. However, the APB generally meets only every other <br />month so a special meeting may need to be called to review any applications. <br />Orange County, North Carolina — Unified Development Ordinance Page 2 -11 <br />