Orange County NC Website
ORANGE COUNTY <br />BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: May 5, 2015 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. 5 -a <br />SUBJECT: Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Ordinance Text Amendments <br />for Agricultural Support Enterprises Within the Rural Buffer Land Use <br />Classification (No Additional Comments Accepted) <br />DEPARTMENT: Planning and Inspections PUBLIC HEARING: (Y /N) Yes <br />ATTACHMENTS: <br />1. Comprehensive Plan /UDO Amendment <br />Outline Form (UDO /Zoning 2013 -10) <br />2. Statement of Consistency <br />3. Ordinance Amending Comprehensive <br />Plan and UDO <br />4. Excerpt of Minutes from February 24, <br />2014 Quarterly Public Hearing <br />5. Planning Board's Statement of <br />Consistency and Excerpts of Minutes of <br />May 7, 2014 and April 1, 2015 (Draft) <br />Meetings <br />6. Resolutions Adopted by the Towns of <br />Carrboro and Chapel Hill and Orange <br />County to Amend the Joint Planning <br />Documents <br />INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />Perdita Holtz, Planner III, 919 - 245 -2578 <br />Craig Benedict, Director, 919 - 245 -2592 <br />John Roberts, County Attorney, 919 - 245 -2318 <br />PURPOSE: To receive the Planning Board recommendation, close the public hearing, and <br />make a decision on Planning Director initiated text amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and <br />Unified Development Ordinance to implement a program commonly referred to as "Agricultural <br />Support Enterprises" within the Rural Buffer land use classification. <br />As a reminder, the reconvening of this hearing is solely to receive the Planning Board <br />recommendation and any additional written evidence submitted since the February 24, 2014 <br />Quarterly Public Hearing. This hearing is not intended to solicit additional input from the public. <br />While the BOCC may ask staff questions related to the review of a given item, comments from <br />the public shall not be solicited. <br />BACKGROUND: The form in Attachment 1 contains additional information and analysis <br />regarding these County initiated amendments that will implement a program that has been in <br />development since 2001. The necessary amendments to the Joint Planning Land Use Plan and <br />Agreement have been adopted by Orange County and the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro <br />(see Attachment 6) so the County can now consider adoption of the implementing regulations to <br />