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WHEREAS, women constitute a majority of the Orange County labor force working <br /> inside and outside of the home; and <br /> WHEREAS, currently, women receive unequal pay for equal work; <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of County Commissioners of Orange <br /> County, North Carolina does hereby proclaim March 2015 as "WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH" <br /> in Orange County, and challenges County residents to observe this month with appropriate <br /> programs, ceremonies and activities. <br /> THIS, THE 17th DAY OF MARCH, 2015. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner Burroughs <br /> to adopt the revised Proclamation and authorize the Chair to sign. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 5. Public Hearinqs <br /> a. 2015 Oranqe Public Transportation Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Plan <br /> The Board considered: 1) Opening a public hearing; 2) Receiving any public comments; <br /> 3) Closing the public hearing; 4) Adopting a resolution approving and authorizing the draft <br /> 2015 Orange Public Transportation Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Plan; and 5) <br /> Authorize the Orange County Transportation Planning staff to submit the plan to the North <br /> Carolina Department of Transportation and Federal Transit Administration. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Rich, seconded by Commissioner Burroughs for the <br /> Board to open the public hearing. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Bret Martin said it is federal law that if public transit agencies are providing fixed route <br /> service, complimentary services must be provided to persons with disabilities that prevent them <br /> from using the fixed route services. He said in order for Orange Public Transportation (OPT) <br /> to be eligible for federal or state grants, transit providers must adopt and implement an ADA <br /> plan. He said the NC Department of Transportation has set a deadline for this plan to be <br /> developed and adopted by the end of this month. He said the plan components are laid out <br /> according to the federal regulations. He reviewed the following PowerPoint slides, as well as <br /> several maps: <br /> ORANGE PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION <br /> Americans with Disabilities Act Plan <br /> March 17, 2015 <br /> Transit Requirements of ADA <br /> • Fixed-Route � Complementary Para transit (Curb-to-Curb) <br /> • Any service origins and destinations within 3/4 —mile with no trip restrictions <br /> • Any requested time when fixed-route service operates <br /> • Next-day service <br /> • Fare no more than twice that of fixed-route fare <br />