Agenda - 05-20-2008-11
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-20-2008
Agenda - 05-20-2008-11
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Last modified
8/29/2008 9:06:29 PM
Creation date
8/28/2008 10:13:06 AM
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20080520
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a <br />^ Learning Center <br />^ Nature trails with interpretive signage <br />^ Picnic shelters <br />^ Natural wooded areas (including an identified natural area) <br />^ Informal multi-purpose field <br />^ Scenic overlook <br />o Agricultural demonstration area <br />^ Fishing <br />^ Playground <br />^ Use of the farmstead (purpose as yet undefined) <br />^ Parks Operation base and possible Parks office footprint <br />In developing the master plan, the Committee considered a wide range of topics <br />and factors. Some of these noted in the master plan report include: <br />^ There are three possible locations for the proposed amphitheatre, as <br />noted on the map <br />^ The committee tried not to "over-design" the site and protect the scenic <br />vista, as new opportunities and facilities may arise in the future <br />^ The entry road to the park has been shifted north to address line of sight <br />issues and concerns about the existing driveway <br />^ .The learning center is seen as a structure of some sort that could address <br />nature, environmental, agricultural, historic and other education. <br />^ Potential for a mountain bike trail in the northwest portion of the site may <br />exist and is recommended for further exploration. <br />^ Potential for enhancement of existing orchards and other agricultural <br />features may exist <br />^ Potential for educational partnerships with the two nearby schools (and <br />others) should be explored <br />It should be added that this park is an unfunded facility at this time, and is listed <br />as such in the proposed Capital Investment Plan. The site is land-banked and <br />managed through the Lands Legacy Program until such time as construction or <br />public access occurs. Stewardship of the site is currently performed by ERCD <br />through the Lands Legacy Program, with the assistance of the Parks and <br />Recreation Department, in both cases using existing resources. Building <br />stabilization work to the outbuildings, farmhouse and barn is ongoing, using <br />funds previously appropriated by the Board. <br />No funds have been appropriated for construction of planned facilities, and no <br />formal cost estimates have been developed. The recommended FY 2008-18 CIP <br />lists this park as an unfunded need, with an estimated cost of $4.4 million and <br />operating costs of $365,000 annually. Detailed construction drawings, site plan <br />and other permit approvals, and bid documents would need to be prepared <br />before construction could begin. <br />Please let me know if I may provide any additional information. <br />
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