Orange County NC Website
I <br />II. Biological Inventory: <br />A Biological Inventory is required to be prepared in accordance with Section (B) of <br />the Ordinance. The purpose of the inventory is intended to identify <br />' habitat diversity, species diversity, species or special concern such as those <br />designated as threatened or endangered, last known sighting, candidate species <br />likely to be present which may warrant protection, specimen trees outstanding in <br />size and /or species, and the status and source of the information complied in the <br />inventory' <br />Staff Comment. Planning and Environmental Resource and Conservation (ERCD) staff has <br />reviewed the proposal and determined that there are no significant animal/plant species on the <br />property or existing habitat area warranting special consideration or protection based on <br />information contained within the Inventory of Natural Areas and Wildlife Habitats for Orange <br />County North Carolina (see memo within Attachment 3) <br />The applicant has informed staff public hearing. <br />Ill. Landscaping and Buffering: <br />The Ordinance requires the submission of a landscape plan outlining the locations of existing <br />vegetation, areas proposed for preservation, as well as plants and materials for proposed <br />planting areas. <br />Staff Comment The landscaping and buffering information is contained on the second page <br />of the site plan .and includes information on the Resource Protection plan for the project. The <br />plan denotes the following: <br />1. There are several streams on the rear of this property requiring a eighty (80) foot stream <br />buffer per Section 6.23.7. The streams are located to the rear of the property, east of the <br />proposed school building sites. <br />Staff Comment The Site Plan and Resource Management Plan denote the appropriate <br />stream buffer as required by the Ordinance. <br />2. In addition to the stream buffer, the applicant is proposing: <br />a. A twenty (20) foot vegetative buffer along the north property line, <br />b. A variable buffer area separating the Elizabeth Mack property (TMBL 5.10-22 1 <br />0806-76-4683) ranging from forty (40) to one hundred (100) feet along the eastern <br />portion of Ms. Mack's property and twenty (20) feet of vegetative and pasture area <br />to the south of Ms. Mack's property. <br />c. A variable vegetative buffer along the southern property line, ranging from ten (10) <br />to twenty (20) feet in width. The proposed driveway and emergency vehicle <br />access area is approximately ten (10) feet from the southern property line. <br />