Orange County NC Website
Category 4. New Positions to Improve Service Delivery (Increase in FTE) <br />May 5, 2008 <br /> Offsetting <br /> <br />Requesting Department <br />Position DescnptionlNeed <br />FTE Change <br />Salary and <br />Operating One•Time <br />Start•Up <br />Total <br />Revenues or <br />Net County Annual Cost <br />After FY 2008- Position <br />Requested <br />Comments <br /> Benefits Casts Costs Reductions in Cost 09 Previous FY <br /> Current <br /> Office Assistant II (Animal Control Dispatcher) -Animal Control dispatch responsibilities during regular Ccunty <br /> business hours for animal protection and control assistance, in the Towns of Chapel Hill and Hillsborough and the <br /> <br />Animal Services <br />unincorporated areas of the County, are currently assigned to two Office Assistants who must divide their time between 4 <br />1.000 <br />$38,048 <br />$500 <br />$4,300 <br />$42,848 <br />$0 <br />$42,848 <br />$38,548 <br />No One-Time Start-Up casts includes a <br /> <br />care jab functiens. The department requests a position that would be dedicated solely to the dispatch funGion of the cemputer and a hvo way base radio. <br /> division. <br /> Office Assistant I -The numberotsuppon staff has not inaeaced with the number of agents in the depanment. Without <br /> adequate suppon staff, the programs are not being conducted at the quality level they should be. General duties of the One•Time Start-Up costs includes a <br />Cooperative Extension office have also increased, such as volume of calls, mail, and emails sent and received by the department. Anlicipatioh of 1.000 $36,524 $430 $1,300 $38,254 $0 $38,254 $36,954 Yes <br /> having a presence in the Seymour Center will require secretarial suppon to serve needs of the program Qhe position would cemputec <br /> not work out of center but rovide su on for ro rammin done at site . <br /> Internal Auditor-This position would ensure, through the auditing and reponing process, thalOrange County government <br /> functions within standards of axeplance related to an etficienl, procedurally appropriate, statutorily compliant, and 1.000 $53,395 $0 $ $53,396 $0 $53,395 $53,395 Yes <br />County Manager innovative s stem of c erations. <br /> Public Information Officer •To address an increasing need for eRcient communications regaMing and within <br /> govemmenlal operetions, The Board of Ccunty Commissioners Strategic Communications Plan addresses this need 1.OD0 $53,395 $0 $ $53,395 $0 $53,395 $53,395 No <br /> lhreu h a list of ob'ectives to be accom lished b This osilion. <br /> Telecommunicator- Due to an increase in call volume and service level demands, the depanment is requesting two <br /> Telecommunicator positions. As more telephone subscribers move tram wired to wireless service, the work of locating 2.OD0 $86,212 $914 $D $87 <br />126 $0 $87 <br />126 $87 <br />126 Yes <br /> calls and acwretely dispatching response units has become more complex and time consuming. Also, with the moue to a , , , <br /> BOD MHz radio system, workload will increase due to additional radio coverage and monitoring additional frequencies. <br /> Emergency Management CooNinatar-This posilien will provide additional public outreach and educational <br /> opponunities to citizens related to Emergency Preparedness, update the Orange County Emergency Operations Plan on a 1.DDD $44,968 $1,712 $1,535 $48 <br />215 $0 $48 <br />215 $46 <br />680 No One•Time Stan•Up costs includes a <br /> Ilmely basis, increase citizen penlclpation In wmmunity-based commlllees, and provide assistance in new technology , , , computer and a telephone. <br /> ec uisillans. <br /> Paramedic - Due to increased call volume and lranspons, the depanment is requesting one paramedic position. ES has <br /> also experienced an increase in the percentage of patients who require advanced life suppon during transport to the 1.0~ $49,117 $20 $0 $49,137 $D $49,137 $49 <br />137 Ne <br /> hospital. This increase in acuity of patients has led to a signifraN increase in the average call duration for paramedics, , <br /> which effec8vel reduces the numberof aramedics available to res and to emer encies. <br /> Logistics Technician - Wilh the move to the new Meadowlands headquaners, Emergency Services will have <br />Emergency8ervices responsibililyforlhewareheusefacilityonihepremises. ThisfacililywillserveprimarilyEmergencyServicesandwill <br /> require a person dedicated to the operation a~ maintenance of the facility and the equipment inside the warehouse. In 1.000 $42,055 $2,862 $3,092 $48 <br />029 $0 $48 <br />029 $44 <br />937 No <br /> addition, this position will fill the logistics role during disas(er and emergency activations of the Emergency Operations , , , <br /> Center, including the operations and management of the cenUal dislribu(ion system for receiving and dislribuling <br /> emer enc su lies. <br /> E9.1-0 GIS Mapper II (Emergency Telephone System Fund) - With the move of addressing verification fo Emergency <br /> Services, the deparlmentwill need a dedicated person fo do all the addressing, maintaining updates, cleaning out old data, <br /> and assigning new road names as needed to the E9.1.1 database. CunenBy, this position is loceled under the Tax <br />' <br />1.000 <br />$64,226 <br />$960 <br />$0 <br />$65,186 <br />$65,186 <br />$0 <br />$D <br />No This position will be paid with Emergency <br />Telephone System funds and does not <br /> Assessor <br />s Office and is having to split the duties between Land Records and E9-1-1 addressing. Due to the current <br /> workload, the E9.1-1 addressing isback-logged and not up to date. Moving this position fo Emergency Services will allow require any County General Fund suppon. <br /> for 1D0% focus on E9.1-1 addressing. <br /> Assistant Fire Marshal -This position will allow the depanment to meet the minimum requirements of NC fire prevention <br /> code, a statewide mandate. Two full time positions are needed for this program, and currently only one is funded. Tha <br /> <br />numberof facilities in the county has increased and new provisions have been added to the hre code that requires an <br />1.000 <br />$46,974 <br />$7,362 <br />$2,740 <br />$59,076 <br />$D <br />$59,076 <br />$56,336 <br />Yes One-Time Slan-Up costs includes a <br /> <br />additional staff person to administer the provisions of the code. Plan reviewfor new commercial censtmclion and major computer and office furnishings. <br /> rerwvalions of existin commercial buildin s are an of code enforcement rocess. <br /> Accountant II • For a number of years, the finance and Budget divisiens of the County have maintained current staffing <br />financial Services levels although County services and workload have wntinued to increase. This position will be responsible far 1.000 $55,778 $0 $0 $55,778 $D $55,778 $55,778 No <br /> maintaining accurate accounting records for all Ceunry finanaal lrensacfions. <br />Page 3 of 4 <br />