Orange County NC Website
Category 2. Change in Funding Status: Additional General Fund Support Requested (No Change In FTEj <br />May 5, 2008 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />equesting Department <br /> <br /> <br />osition DescriptionlNeed <br /> <br /> <br />rE Change <br /> <br />Salary and <br /> <br />Benefits <br /> <br />Operating <br /> <br />Costs <br />One•Time <br /> <br />Start•Up' <br />Costs <br /> <br /> <br />otal se ing <br />Revenues or <br /> <br />Reductions in <br />Current <br />Expenditures <br /> <br />Net County <br /> <br />Cost <br />Annual Cost <br /> <br />Aker FY 2006- <br />09 <br />Position <br /> <br />Requested <br />previous FY <br /> <br /> <br />omments <br /> Senior Public Health Educator(VolunteerCootdinator) • This is a cunent FTE whose purpose is to coordinate activities Offsetting revenues of $10,000 far FY 2008- <br /> of the Medical Reserve Corps and Community Emergency Response Team programs by recruiting and lreining volunteers 09 are from EM Performance Grant funds. <br />Heellh to assist the wmmunlty during disasters and other times of need. Federal grant ended on September 30, 2006 (or Ihls O.DOD $51,131 $7,160 $0 $58,281 $10,000 $A8,281 $48,281 Yes In the current fiscal year, the County Cost <br /> position EMS grant funds, one-lime National Association of Cily and County Health Offldals funds, unspent carryfoward far (his position is estimated al $25,500. F <br /> grant funds, and County suppon continued this position far fiscal year 20D7.08. FY 2008-09, the additional County Cosl will <br /> be $22,781, far a total of $48,281. <br /> HousinglCommunity Development Director - Based on the evolving duties of This position over the past several years, <br /> this request is to Uansition the position from fully grant funded to one 8tat is funded with 70% Generel fund monies and <br /> <br />Housing 30 % Grant funds. Historically, the position has been funded solely with Section 8 monies; however, over the past several <br />0.000 <br />$81,714 <br />$0 <br />$0 <br />$81,714 <br />$D <br />$81 <br />714 <br />$81 <br />714 <br />No Salary and Benefits amount refiecls 70% of <br /> ears Section B administrative monies have remained fiat while aduafwsts of adminisleri the o ram have town in <br />Y r0 Pr 9 9 , , the cost of the posilian. <br /> tandem vrith the program needs. In addition, over the past several years; (he Director's role innon-Seclicn 6 housing <br /> activities has increased.(for example, duties related to the County's involvement in akordable housing programs). <br />t iorar ca[egory[ I u.uuu t 5132,a451 Sr,75U l Se l 51399961 $100001 81299951 5729995( <br />Category 3. Additional General Fund Support and Increase in FTE <br /> se mg <br /> Salary and Operating One-Time Revenues or Net County Annual Cost Position <br />Requesgng Department Position DescdptionlNeed FTE Change Start•Up Total Reductions in After FY 2008• Requested Comments <br /> Benefits Costs Costs Current Cost p9 Previous FY <br /> Expenditures <br /> Dental Hygienist - Request an increase in hours from 24 tc 32 hourslweek to provide an additional eight hours perweek <br />Health of dental hygiene clinic lime in order to see additional patients, as well as reduce the wail time (or recall appointments. g,2D0 $15 <br />491 $ $D $15 <br />491 $20 <br />892 ($5 <br />401 <br />} <br />($5 <br />4D1) <br />No Offsetting revenues reflect diniciees as well <br /> This service to an additiona1320 patients per yearwill result in a reduction of the recall wait lime helween appointments , , , , , as Medicaid reimbursements. <br /> from 10 months down to a standard 6 months. <br /> Office Supervisor II • Currently, the Library is only suppoded with a 5D% administrative staff member (0.50 FTE). In order <br />Library to provide quality administrative suppod, afull-time 40 hourslweek posilian is needed due to the growth and expansion of 0.5D0 $25,746 $D $D $25,746 $S,ODO $20,746 $20,746 No <br /> Library services (hroughcut the County. <br /> Planner II (Land UseRransportationPlanner)-Toincrease the currently funded position to afull-lime position to help <br /> suppod the Orange United Transportation (OUT) BoaN; provide assistance with data collection, verification, and analysis <br />Planning and Inspections for lranspodalion studies; assist with the Implemenlatlon of the Comprehensive Plan; and share Iransportalion related 0.475 $23 <br />469 $0 $ $23 <br />469 $0 $23 <br />469 $23 <br />469 Yes <br /> information with the BOCC on a regulady scheduled basis. Originally Ihls was a full-time, shared position helween , , , , <br /> Planning (.525j and ERCD (.475) until the ERCD portion became its own full FTE in 2006-07. This is an increase in hours <br /> from 20 tc 4D hourslweek. <br /> Total Cate o 3 1.175 $64 706 $D $0 $64 706 $25 892 $38 614 836 614 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />