Orange County NC Website
05/05/2008 Attachment 1 <br />Preliminary Outlook of Fiscal Year 2008-09 Budget Drivers <br />The list below is intended to give a preliminary outlook of items the County Manager is considering including in the Fiscal Year <br />2008-09 Recommended Annual Operating Budget. It is important to note that staff is currently finalizing the recommended budget; <br />while the items provided in this fist are under consideration for funding in f/sca/ year 2008-09, it does not guarantee that <br />the final recommended Budget will include all items outlined in this chart or that these are the only items under <br />consideration. The May 8, 2008 work session provides an opportunity for the Board fo provide input and guidance regarding the <br />items outlined in the chart. The County Manager's Recommended 2008-09 Budget will be finalized and presented to the Board at <br />their May 20, 2008 regular meeting. <br />1 Fiscal Year 2007-08 Ad Valorem Tax Rate 95.00 cents per $100 valuation <br />2 <br />s Anticipated Amount One Cent on Fiscal Year 2008- $1,274,655 <br />09 Tax Rate Will Generate <br />4 <br />Major Budget Drivers for Fiscal Year 2008-09 ts> <br /> Tax Rate Equivalent in Cumulative Tax Rate Needed <br /> Addition to FY 2007-08 to Fund Items Identified in <br />Proposed Budget Increases Associated With: $ Amount Tax Rate (cents per $100 Column B (FY 2007-08 Tax <br /> valuation) Rate (95 cents per $100 <br /> valuation) Plus Increase) <br />Increased Debt Service $3,016,693 2.37 97.37 <br />Education Funding <br />Increase Per Pupil Funding From Current Rate of <br />$3,069 to $3,290 - An Increase of $221 Per Pupil <br />(Equates to total increase of $3,574,067 for $5,411,158 4.25 101.61 <br />Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools and increase of <br />$1,837,091 for Orange County Schools) l'l <br />Full Year Funding for Durham Technical $581,601 0.46 102.07 <br />Communit Colle e Oran e Count Cam us <br />Transition Long-Term Temporary Positions to $210,000 0.16 102.23 <br />Permanent Positions <br />County's Contribution to Greene Tract Repayment $90,000 0.07 102.30 <br />County Employee Compensation Plan <br />Cost of Living Adjustment (Preliminary <br />considerations include a 2% Cost of Living $800,024 0.63 102.93 <br />Increase for all County employees, effective July <br />1, 2008. Each 1 % COLA increase = $400,012) <br />In-Range Awards Based on Employee <br />Performance (Preliminary Considerations Provide $220,710 0.17 103.10 <br />for 1 % for Proficient and 3 % for Exceptional) <br />Health Insurance Rate Increase for Current and <br />Retired County Employees (Assumes 11 % Annual $363,000 0.28 103.39 <br />Increase and No Change in Existing Plans) <br />Open New County Facilities (Includes Staffing and <br />Operating Costs; Does Not Include Debt Service $2,750,000 2.16 105.55 <br />(see row 1 above) and One-Time Capital Costs (see <br />footndte 2 below <br />Outside Agencies Funding Recommendations from <br />Human Services Advisory Committee (Does Not $246,629 0.19 105.74 <br />Include $100,000 Recommendation to fund UNC <br />Ps chiat <br />County Operational Funding Increases Associated <br />with Inflation and Higher Costs (Approximately 5% of $1,200,000 0.94 106.68 <br />total o erational ex enses <br />Total $14,889,815 11.68 <br />~'~ The Board may wish to consider increasing the School's Special District Tax to allow for additional funding for Chapel Hill <br />Carrboro City Schools. <br />~Z~ One alternative for funding capital items is to provide aone-time appropriation from the County's Fund Balance <br />~3~ Among items for further consideration and discussion (not included in the chart above) include (1) outcome of the County's <br />classification and pay study; (2) new staff not associated with opening new facilities; and (3) new County programs. <br />