Orange County NC Website
J~ <br />According to OWASA's standards for replacing wastewater pumping station related <br />equipment (pumps, motor controls, standby power generators, etc.), the useful lifespan of <br />this equipment is in the 15-20 year range. The equipment at the Efland system's <br />McGowan Creek pumping station will have been in operation for twenty years this fall. <br />Replacement of this equipment is scheduled in the operating permit-required Efland Sewer <br />System CIP for FY 2010-11. Given the overlapping time frames for construction of the <br />sewer collection system expansion, it may be possible to achieve economy of scale <br />savings by including upgrading the McGowan Creek pump station as a part of the sewer <br />expansion project. Furthermore, by having the upgrade take place during the construction <br />project, the pumping station can be upgraded before the additional flow from the expanded <br />service area comes on line and becomes a factor in the degree of difficulty in taking the <br />McGowan station off-line during the upgrade process. The anticipated cost of this <br />upgrade, assuming the installation of pumps of similar configuration and capacity, is <br />approximately $200 - $250,000. As with the funding shortfall for the proposed sewer <br />expansion, this additional cost can be financed through borrowing against the FY 2010-11 <br />debt issuance. As a CIP item, debt service for these improvements may also be included <br />in any BOCC approved revisions to the sewer use rate structure for the Efland sewer <br />system. Inclusion of the McGowan Creek pumping station upgrades should have no effect <br />on the project permitting or construction timeline. <br />The BOCC has asked for additional clarification/explanation of the strategy outlined by <br />Budget Director at the April 1St portion of the public hearing, in which the County could <br />essentially "loan" itself sufficient funds to complete the project from the FY 2010/2011 <br />alternative funding issues. The Budget Director has indicated that, at the BOCC's March <br />12th Budget Work Session, the County Manager shared with the Board tentative County <br />debt issuance plans which contained a proposal to include the additional funding <br />necessary to address the budget shortfall for the full sewer expansion project. The Budget <br />Director has suggested that, should the Board decide to move forward with completion of <br />the entirety of the Central Efland/Northern Buckhorn sewer system construction project <br />and the upgrade to the McGowan Creek Pumping Station, that the staff recommendation <br />would be to debt finance the unfunded portion of the project in winter 2009 after the <br />County receives the final project bids <br />The progress of the sewer expansion project should follow the following outline: <br />• The County must hold a public hearing that has been advertised for at least two <br />weeks on the draft Engineer's report (begun on April 1 and concluding on May 1, <br />2008. <br />• The Engineer's report is submitted to the NC Construction Loans and Grants <br />Section, which will review the documents and make a recommendation as to <br />whether the project requires the preparation and submittal of additional <br />environmental documents (a formal Environmental Impact Statement [EIS]) or <br />receives a "Categorical Exclusion" meaning that no additional environmental <br />documents have to be prepared. <br />