Agenda - 05-01-2008-4i
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-01-2008
Agenda - 05-01-2008-4i
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9/2/2008 12:19:08 AM
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8/28/2008 10:10:18 AM
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5 <br />EPA must receive applications by S:OOPM EST, Thursday, May 8th, 2008. <br />PREPARING THE APPLICATION <br />EPA will evaluate applications based on the criteria listed below. Project descriptions should be <br />detailed and clearly identify the challenge the community, region, or state agency is facing and <br />the specific activities that would be most helpful from the EPA-led team. The criteria listed <br />below will be used to do a preliminary review of the applications. Following this initial review, <br />EPA will conduct conference calls with finalists. Conference calls will include the applicant and <br />major partners identified in the application. These calls will be used to further evaluate the <br />extent to which the applicant is successful in meeting the criteria. EPA will make final selections <br />following the completion of the conference calls. <br />EVALUATION CRITERIA <br />1. The applicant must be (1) a tribal, state, local, or regional government; or (2) an incorporated <br />nonprofit organization incorporated or domiciled in the United States or an academic institution <br />that has a demonstrated partnership with a governmental agency. Applicants must be located in, <br />and project activities must be conducted within, the United States, Puerto Rico, or a territory or <br />possession of the U.S. <br />2. Technical assistance will be provided to integrate the principles of smart growth into state or <br />local planning processes to promote infill development. The assistance must relate to policy <br />analysis or public participatory processes that will improve the overall climate for brownfields <br />redevelopment as well as revitalization of other infill sites. <br />DCED will not consider applications that have a principal purpose of providing training, <br />research, and technical assistance to individuals and organizations to facilitate the inventory of <br />brownfield sites, site assessments, rernediation of brownfield sites, site preparation, or <br />community involvement associated with the clean-up, assessment, or inventory. of brownfield <br />properties. EPA funds these types of projects only under the Office of Brownfields Cleanup and <br />Redevelopment's "Brownfields Training, Research, and Technical Assistance Grants and <br />Cooperative Agreement Program." <br />We will consider applications for policy analysis or public participatory processes (as illustrated <br />by the bulleted list above) associated with the smart growth redevelopment of infill generally in a <br />city, county, state, or on tribal lands that includes brownfields sites as well as other types of sites. <br />However, community-involvement activities associated with the clean-up, assessment, or <br />inventory of individual brownfield sites are not eligible for funding under this RFA. <br />3. The community, region, or state must have a demonstrated understanding of and commitment <br />to the principles of smart growth. Applicants should describe actions that the community, region <br />or state has taken to address the location and design of development, regardless of whether they <br />have been successful. EPA is looking for applicants that have already learned about the <br />principles of smart growth and now want implementation assistance. <br />
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