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3 <br />Smart Growth Implementation Assistance <br />2008 Request for Applications (RFA) <br />SMART GROWTH AND THE U.S. EPA <br />The Development, Community and Environment Division (DCED) in U.S. EPA's Office of <br />Policy Economics and Innovation is seeking applications from states, regions, and communities <br />that want to develop in ways that meet environmental and other goals. EPA will provide <br />technical assistance to successful applicants as described below. Eligible entities are tribal, local, <br />regional, and state governments and nonprofit organizations that have a demonstrated partnership <br />with a governmental entity. Development practices that reflect the principles of smart growth <br />support national environmental and public health goals by protecting sensitive watersheds, <br />minimizing water quality impacts from development, reducing air emissions by increasing <br />transportation choices, lowering greenhouse gas emissions through more compact development <br />patterns, and encouraging clean-up and sustainable redevelopment of brownfields. Smart growth <br />is often characterized by a common set of principles: <br />-- mix land uses; <br />-- take advantage of compact building design; <br />-- create a range of housing opportunities and choices; <br />-- create walkable neighborhoods; <br />-- foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place; <br />-- preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty, and critical environmental areas; <br />-- strengthen and direct development towards existing communities; <br />-- provide a variety of transportation choices; <br />-- make development decisions predictable, fair and cost effective; and <br />-- encourage community and stakeholder collaboration in development decisions. <br />For more information on smart growth, please visit the DCED web site at: <br />www. eta. aov/sm artgrowth. <br />TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE OPPORTUNITY <br />Communities and states around the country are interested in fostering economic growth, <br />protecting their environmental resources, enhancing public health, extending the benefits of <br />community redevelopment to all citizens equitably, and planning for development, but they may <br />lack the tools, resources, or information to achieve these goals. In response to this demand, EPA <br />is offering direct technical assistance from national experts to communities and states that want <br />to incorporate smart growth techniques in their development. This assistance from EPA is <br />intended to help applicants overcome roadblocks by providing evaluation tools and expert <br />analysis. <br />EPA is soliciting applications from communities, regions, and state governments that want <br />assistance with either policy analysis or public participatory processes. Examples of project <br />ideas include, but are not limited to: <br />