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<br />Summary -Unfunded Orange County Schools Capital Needs - FY 2008 Through 2018 {1)
<br />By Fiscal Year and Project {Alphabetical Order)
<br />Legend I Items, flagged by Board in prior work sessions, for further consideration (see attached Summary of 2008-18 CIP Items for Further Discussion
<br />for specific timelines
<br />Planned debt issuance during fiscal year 2008-09
<br />Pay-as-you-go funding {including sales tax allocations, grant funds, fees for services, etc) for fiscal year 2008-09
<br />Zoos-o9
<br />Activi Buses $70,000 $70,000 $0 $70,000 $70,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $280,000
<br />Alternative School
<br />Expansion $200,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $4 $0 $200,000
<br />Athletic Facilities $0 $1,500,000 $0 $0 $500,000 $0 $2,000,000 $0 $4 $0 $4,000,000
<br /> $400,000 $600,000 $600,000 $3,330,000
<br />Buildin Improvements $580,000 $250,000 $100,000 $0 $0 $400,000 $400,000
<br />HVAC S stems $600,000 $300,000 $0 $80,000 $0 $200,000 $0 $500,000 $0 $0 $1,680,000
<br />New Central Office $6,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $p $6,000,000
<br />Parkin LotlPavement $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $250,000 $0 $300,000 $850,000
<br />Roofin $637,000 $187,500 $100,000 $123,000 $0 $400,000 $100,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,547,500
<br />Technolo $672,289 $674,287 $713,647 $758,671 $578,265 $587,030 $487,971 $465,090 $474,392 $483,880 $5,895,522
<br />Total Unfunded Orange
<br />County Schools Capital $8,859,289 $3,081,787 $1,013,647 $1,031,671 $1,148,265 $1,587,030 $2,987,971 $1,615,090 $1,074,392 $1,383,880 $23,783,022
<br />Needs
<br />1p
<br />i'~ List does not reflect projects discussed by Commissioners and Orange County Schools Board of Education during April 22, 2008 Joint Work Session. During that conversation, the Board of Education identified
<br />the need for additional space at Cedar Ridge High School as an unfunded need. County staff plans to work with Orange County Board of Education during summer 2008 to compile a more comprehensive list of
<br />Orange County Schools unfunded needs in preparation of the 2009-19 CIP
<br />Totals may be off slightly due to rounding
<br />