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ATTACHMENT 2 4 <br />ORANGE COUNTY <br />C 0 Py BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br />Meeting Date: 1110 <br />Action Agenda <br />Item No. 7 -e <br />SUBJECT: Potential Notice of Board's Intent to Schedule a November 2016 Bond <br />Referendum and Discussion on Proposed Creation of a Capital Needs <br />Advisory Task Force <br />DEPARTMENT: County Manager PUBLIC HEARING: (Y /N) No <br />ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br />1) Proposed Task Force Charge Bonnie Hammersley, 245 -2300 <br />2) Draft General Task Force Schedule Greg Wilder, 245 -2300 <br />3) Draft Recruitment Notice for Potential <br />Task Force Appointees <br />PURPOSE: To: <br />1) Consider formally expressing the Board's intent to schedule a November 2016 Bond <br />Referendum to address County and School capital needs; <br />2) Discuss the proposed creation of, structure, and charge for a proposed 2015 Capital <br />Needs Advisory Task Force that would provide recommendations to the Board regarding <br />the elements to be included in the referendum and consider approval; and <br />3) Direct the County Manager to arrange for the services of a qualified facilitator for the <br />Task Force. <br />BACKGROUND: In several meetings during the past year, the Board of Commissioners has <br />discussed the possible scheduling of a bond referendum to address County and School capital <br />needs. At the Board's January 30, 2015 Retreat, the Board directed staff to develop materials <br />for Board consideration regarding the Board formally expressing its intent to schedule a <br />November 2016 Bond Referendum, including a total bond amount of approximately $125 <br />million. The Board also directed staff to move forward with development of a process for a <br />November 2016 Bond Referendum similar to the process utilized during the County's 2001 <br />Bond Referendum. <br />One of the first actions taken by the Board of Commissioners for the 2001 Bond Referendum <br />occurred in late 2000 /early 2001 with the establishment and appointment of members to a <br />Capital Needs Advisory Task Force. The purpose of the Task Force was to review County and <br />School capital needs and provide advice to the Board concerning the elements of a proposed <br />November 2001 Orange County bond referendum. <br />In preparation for a November 2016 Bond Referendum, staff proposes that the Board discuss <br />and consider approving the creation of a 2015 Capital Needs Advisory Task Force. Items <br />