Orange County NC Website
11 <br />DRAFT <br />Attachment 3 <br />VOLUNTEERSNEEDED <br />CAPITAL NEEDS ADVISORY TASK FORCE <br />PROPOSED NOVEMBER 2016 BOND REFERENDUM <br />THE ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS IS <br />RECRUITING RESIDENTS TO SERVE ON A TASK FORCE <br />WHICH WILL BE CHARGED WITH, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, <br />THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: <br />• Review the capital needs for new and older schools as identified by the Orange <br />County and Chapel Hill - Carrboro City Schools <br />• Review the capital needs identified by County departments in requests <br />submitted for the 2015 -2020 Capital Investment Plan <br />• Familiarize itself with long -range school capital funding policies as adopted by <br />the Board of Commissioners <br />• Familiarize itself with the Lands Legacy Program and future recommendations <br />and plans <br />• The Task Force will be divided into subcommittees to address specific areas <br />associated with the bond issue <br />• Confirm the need for, and timing of, new school construction projects, <br />considering current and projected student populations <br />• Provide recommendations on the possible elements of a November 2016 bond <br />referendum with the items listed in order of importance from most important to <br />less important <br />• Provide recommended sizes and estimated costs for each bond referendum <br />element recommended by the Task Force as well as any portion of the costs <br />shared by the proposing /recommending entities <br />• Ensure that each recommended element complies with the appropriate adopted <br />policies of Orange County for Joint Capital Facilities Development, the Orange <br />County Debt Management Policy, and the Orange County Capital Funding <br />Policy as well as all other relevant adopted policies of the County <br />• Ensure that all elements are accessible to and serve residents throughout Orange <br />County <br />• Complete this work by October 2015 <br />The Board of Commissioners will consider creation of the Capital Needs Advisory <br />Task Force in February /March 2015. The Board will consider appointment of <br />Task Force members at regular Board meetings in April and possibly May 2015. <br />