Orange County NC Website
M <br />The current estimate from the state for FY 2015 -16 is $3.4 million, a decrease of $400,000 from <br />the original allocation for this year of $3.8 million. If this reduction does not occur, more funds <br />than proposed in the budget would be available. This year, Social Services also received <br />reallocations resulting in a total state appropriation of $4.4 million, roughly $1 million more than <br />is estimated by the state for FY 2015 -16. <br />The all-time monthly high for children served by Social Services during a period without a wait <br />list was 890. This would equate to an annual cost of approximately $5,340,000. The estimates in <br />the funding scenarios may be high if there is a point where services are meeting demand. <br />Natural attrition of 15 children per month ($577,500 annual savings) is included in next year's <br />cost estimates. <br />The proposed budget for FY 2015 -16 includes costs to continue serving the children currently receiving <br />child care subsidy (Scenario 1). This will cost the county $928,615, an increase of $640,036 over the <br />original approved budget for FY 2014 -15. <br />Funding in Social Services Proposed Budget for FY 2015 -16 <br />State Estimate $3,398,885 <br />IV -E (Additional funding source) $15,000 <br />County $928,615 <br />Total $4,342,500 <br />Scenarios for Fiscal Year 2015 -2016 <br />Scenario 1: Continue to provide child care subsidy to the current children with no children coming off <br />the wait list (This is the current Social Services budget proposal). <br />County Costs $928,615 <br />Total Cost $4,342,500 <br />Scenario 2: Continue to provide child care subsidy to the current children and allow new children to <br />receive child care as attrition occurs. <br />County Costs $1,506,115 <br />Total Cost $4,920,000 <br />Additional County Funds Required $577,500 <br />Scenario 3: Continue to provide child care subsidy to the current children and clear the waiting list again <br />on July 1, 2015. The current wait list has 58 children. By July 1, 2015, an estimated 180 children will be <br />waiting. To clear the wait list and serve these children for the whole year would add approximately <br />$1,080,000 for FY 2015 -16. The wait list would also restart July 1, 2015. <br />County Costs $2,008,614 <br />Total Cost $5.422.499 <br />Additional County Funds Required $1,079,999 <br />Scenario 4: Provide subsidy to all current children and continue to serve all children without a wait list <br />next year. Assuming that the wait list grows by 30 children per month, eliminating the wait list for all of <br />next fiscal year would add $2,250,000. <br />County Costs $3,178,615 <br />Total Cost $6,592,550 <br />Additional County Funds Required $2,250,000 <br />* *In most instances, the highest estimates have been used so there is a possibility that any of these options may cost <br />less than projected. <br />