Orange County NC Website
9 <br />APPROVED BY BOCC ON XX /XX /XX <br />UPDATED AS OF2-9-2015-9424445 <br />Scope and Applicability <br />This Plan is intended to be applicable to all aspects of Orange County government. As a <br />Countywide Plan, its provisions address any type of communication between two or more <br />parties. <br />To properly discharge their responsibilities towards their constituents, County Commissioners <br />must be kept properly apprised about relevant policies, programs, and events within the <br />purview of each County department. That notwithstanding, County department heads and <br />staff need to have considerable autonomy to carry out their public information and <br />communication responsibilities based on their professional competencies, in a manner not <br />inconsistent with the overarching principles and standards established in this Plan. Existing <br />departmental communications plans and processes are complemented, not supplanted, by this <br />Plan. <br />Roles <br />Adoption of this Plan contemplates the following ongoing communications roles: <br />Board of County Commissioners: <br />• approve periodic updates to the adopted Plan <br />• appoint two Commissioners annually to serve on the Communications Governance Team <br />to provide oversight and recommend appropriate refinements to the Plan <br />• consider recommendations from the County Manager to allocate financial, staff, and <br />technological resources to address unmet or emerging communications needs <br />• provide guidance and direction to the County Manager and Public Information Officer that <br />will disseminate information to residents and other audiences regarding significant County <br />programs /policies /events /initiatives <br />-7- <br />