Governing body, for the purpose of this article, means the county board of commissioners.
<br />Manager, for the purpose of this article, means the county manager, or another person to whom he
<br />delegates the administrative duties and responsibilities of the county.
<br />Structures and areas, for the purpose of this article are defined to mean the outdoor and indoor areas and
<br />structures on or in which people derive opportunity for the pursuit of happiness through recreation, whether or
<br />not these areas and structures are owned, leased, borrowed, controlled, or operated within the boundaries of
<br />Orange County.
<br />(Ord. of 2 -5 -1979, art. I, § III, eff. 2 -5 -1979)
<br />• Sec. 26 -94. - Powers, general.
<br />It is the-a basic function of the Orange County Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks, and
<br />(Recreation Peg& etA-to promote recreation for its e4tzea residents and, in so doing, is authorized to aid
<br />and assist agencies pursuant to policies recommended by the council and accepted by the county which include
<br />public, private, commercial, those which are quasi - public in character, those which, although public in nature,
<br />are not under the county's governing body (such as schools, churches, hospitals, military installations,
<br />orphanages, commercial recreation, business and industrial agencies), and civic, neighborhood and service
<br />groups in their recreation interests and needs.
<br />(Ord. of 2 -5 -1979, art. I, § IV, eff. 2 -5 -1979)
<br />• Secs. 26 -95-26 -114. - Reserved.
<br />• Sec. 26 -115. - Creation; name; number of members.
<br />There is hereby created an Orange County Parks and Rrecreation Council composed of 13 eittzens
<br />residents of Orange County, to be known as the Orange County Parks and Rrecreation Council.
<br />(Ord. of 2 -5 -1979, art. It § V, eff. 2 -5 -1979)
<br />Editor's note
<br />By March 6, 2008 Board of Commissioner action the Department of Recreation and Parks was renamed
<br />as the Department of Parks and Recreation. Consequently the Recreation and Parks Council is
<br />referred to as the Parks and Recreation Council. By subsequent Board action dated April 13, 2010,
<br />the Department of Recreation and Parks was merged with the Department of Environment and
<br />Resource Conservation (including the Soil and Water Conservation District Office) and renamed as
<br />the Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) effective April 1,
<br />2010.
<br />• Sec. 26 -116. - Council; powers and duties.
<br />The council shall serve as the advisory body for the department of parks and recreation. The Ceouncil's
<br />powers and responsibilities shall be as those powers and responsibilities are stated in the Orange County Board
<br />of County Commissioners Advisory Board Policy and the Parks and Recreation Council Policies and
<br />Procedures (the "Applicable Policies "), and as those Applicable Policies may be amended from time to time.
<br />