Orange County NC Website
DocuSign Envelope ID:E20CE413-BEEE-491E-A3A2-DA682209FAD1 <br /> b. $7,000.00 for a Substantial Modification involving a telecommunication facility <br /> approved as a Class B Special Use Permit; <br /> c. $1,000.00 for a Substantial Modification involving a co-location. <br /> Consistent with the adopted Orange County Fee Schedule <br /> (d) New Towers/Support Structures: For the services to be performed by the Consultant pursuant <br /> to paragraph II hereof as pertain to new towers or other support structures and 'Substantial <br /> Modifications and Co-Locations (as defined by applicable State law), County shall pay <br /> Consultant a'Flat Fee'of: <br /> a. $8,000.00 for the review of a new a telecommunication facility processed through the <br /> Class A Special Use Permit process; <br /> b. $7,000.00 for the review of a new a telecommunication facility processed through the <br /> Class B Special Use Permit process; <br /> c. $1,000.00 for any project involving a co-location. <br /> Consistent with the adopted Orange County Fee Schedule <br /> (e) Amended Application: For review services related to applications that are changed or <br /> amended after receipt of the initial or original application, County shall pay Consultant a <br /> mutually agreed upon amount at the time based on Consultant's normal hourly rate at the <br /> time. <br /> (f) Negotiations: For lease or other contractual negotiating services, Consultant shall be paid <br /> 50% of the agreed upon amount at the start of negotiations and the remaining 50% upon <br /> execution of the negotiated instrument by County. <br /> (g) Invoicing for Application Review Services: For application review services Consultant shall <br /> invoice County at the start of the application review process for 50%of the amount of the Fee <br /> and for the remaining 50%upon submittal of the review and recommendation. <br /> (h) Invoices shall be due and payable upon receipt, but in no case later than thirty (30) days <br /> after the date of the invoice. <br /> Page 2 of 2 <br />