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i <br />staff in a few years, staff will explore alternatives for this project. Staff will update the Board on <br />their findings this fall. <br />Should the Board approve the funding reallocation plan, staff will prepare the necessary capital <br />project ordinance amendment for the May 20, 2008 regular meeting to allow for the purchase <br />and equipping of the three Animal Control replacement trucks. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Available County and Schools' pay-as-you-go capital funding for fiscal <br />year 2008-09 totals $8,905,534. Attachment 1 of this agenda item provides a summary of how <br />capital partners plan to allocate their respective share of next fiscal year's pay-as-you-go capital <br />dollars. For the ten-year capital-planning period, funded projects for all partners total $205.8 <br />million while unfunded projects total $305.1 million. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board of County Commissioners: <br />1. Approve of County and School capital project ordinances for fiscal year 2008-09; <br />2. Approve the reallocation of approved 2007-08 capital funds to allow for the emergency <br />purchase of three Animal Control trucks; <br />3. Authorize the Purchasing Director to determine the most advantageous purchasing <br />mechanism to purchase the transportation containment boxes and execute the necessary <br />paperwork; <br />4. Direct the Budget Director to prepare capital project ordinance amendments to allow for <br />the reallocation of funds from Building Entry Access and Capital RepairslReplacement <br />Reserve Capital Projects to allow for the purchase of the Animal Control trucks; <br />5. Direct staff to prepare the 2009-19 Capital Investment Plan (CIP} incorporating items <br />outlined on Attachment 1 of this agenda abstract; the outcome of the May 6 Land <br />Transfer Tax referendum; and other updated capital related revenues in fall 2008. <br />