Orange County NC Website
Year -To -Date Budget Summary <br />Fiscal Year 2014 -15 <br />General Fund Budget Summary <br />Ori ilnal Gelneral Fwd Budget <br />$20074287111 <br />Additiolnal Revelnue Received Thrwgh <br />82.700 <br />Budget Amelndmelnt #7 (April 7, 2015) <br />+ rwt F wds <br />$49871 <br />N cln Grwt F wds <br />$5.150.579 <br />elneral FuInd - FuInd Ealwce for Alnticipated <br />Apprcpriaticlns i.e. Elnwmbrwces) <br />$7757478 <br />elneral FuInd - FuInd Ealwce Appropriated to <br />Cover Alntici gated wd Ur wtici gated <br />Expelnditures <br />71 097676 <br />Total Amended General Fund Budget <br />$208,961,973 <br />Dollar Chwge iln 014 -15 Approved Gelneral <br />Fwd Budget <br />$875887862 <br />% Chwge iIn 2014 -15 Approved Gelneral FuInd <br />Budget <br />1 4.26% <br />Authorized Full Time Equivalent positions <br />Oricgilnal Approved 77neral Fwd Full Time <br />Equivalelnt Pcsiticlns <br />842.550 <br />Oricgilnal Approved Other Fwds Full Time <br />Ec�uivalelnt Pcsiticlns <br />82.700 <br />PcsitioIn ReductioIns d rilncg Mid-Year <br />Additiclnal Pcsiticlns Approved Mid-Year <br />1.600 <br />ToFaFApprove ull- I ime- quiva en <br />positions for Fiscal Year 2014-151 <br />926.8501 <br />Attac melnt 2 5 <br />Paull <br />includes ►,000 for Grange <br />County's share of a possible <br />joint iregional Ipublic safety <br />training facility (BOA ##1) <br />$30,8(]4 to cover 2nd <br />Primary election costs (BOA <br />#1); transfer of $42,500 in <br />deferred ireven!ue/in- flows <br />from the General Fund to the <br />Grant Projects Fund (BOA <br />##1)► Appropriation of <br />$36,337 from the Sheriff <br />Drug fund account to <br />purchase a vehicle (BOA ##6) <br />PauII <br />Incirease of .10 FTE for a <br />Public Health Nurse, and <br />approved moving a <br />temporary (position to a <br />Ipermanent (position .50 FTE) <br />BOA ##4 -B creation of a new <br />1.0 FTE Legal Advisor to the <br />Sheriff on 12/1/14) <br />