Orange County NC Website
(b) The proposed installment financing is preferable to a bond issue for the <br /> same purposes. <br /> The County has no meaningful ability to issue non-voted general obligation bonds <br /> for these projects. These projects will not produce sufficient revenues to support a self- <br /> liquidating financing. The County has in the past issued substantial amounts of voter- <br /> approved bonds, and it is appropriate for the County to balance its capital finance <br /> program between bonds and installment financings. <br /> The County expects that in the current interest rate environment for municipal <br /> securities there would be no material difference in interest rates between general <br /> obligation bonds and installment financings for these projects. <br /> (c) The estimated sums to fall due under the proposed financing contract are <br /> adequate and not excessive for the proposed purposes. The County will closely review <br /> proposed financing rates against market rates with guidance from the LGC and its <br /> financial adviser. All amounts financed will reflect either approved contracts, previous <br /> actual expenditures or professional estimates. <br /> (d) As confirmed by the County's Interim Finance Officer, (i) the County's <br /> debt management procedures and policies are sound and in compliance with law, and (ii) <br /> the County is not in default under any of its debt service obligations. <br /> (e) The County estimates that the maximum tax rate impact of paying General <br /> Fund related debt service on the financing will be the equivalent of up to approximately <br /> 0.67 cents per $100 of valuation. Based on current resources and the retirement of some <br /> existing debt, no actual tax rate increase related to this financing will be necessary. <br /> (f) The County Attorney is of the opinion that the proposed projects are <br /> authorized by law and are for purposes for which public funds of the County may be <br /> expended pursuant to the Constitution and laws of North Carolina. <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED as follows: <br /> (a) The Interim Finance Officer is directed to take all appropriate steps toward <br /> the completion of the financing, including (i) completing an application to the LGC for <br /> its approval of the proposed financing, and (ii) soliciting one or more proposals from <br /> financial institutions to provide the financing. All prior actions of County representatives <br /> in this regard are regard are ratified. <br /> (b) This resolution takes effect immediately. <br />