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5 <br />Excerpted Pages of Joint Planning Land Use Plan <br />*Suburban Residential Areas are designated for housing densities ranging from one (1) to five <br />dwell units per acre. Such areas are located where land is changing from rural to urban, suitable f urban <br />densities, nd to be provided with public utilities and services. Housing types range from sing le -f ily to <br />duplexes to ulti- family dwellings. <br />*However, nsities may be lower than one dwelling unit per acre in Suburban sidential Areas. <br />Chapel Hill as part of i Southern Small Area Plan has identified certain areas in th outhern Triangle as <br />being suitable for densitie of exceeding one (1) unit per acre for areas immedi ly east of U.S. 15 -501 and <br />densities not exceeding one unit per five (5) acres for areas immediately t of Old Lystra Road. <br />*Amended 2/1/93 <br />Urban Residential Areas are sim r to Suburban Res' ntial Area in terms of both housing types <br />and public services availability. However, den ties are high ranging from six (6) to thirteen (13) dwelling <br />units per acre. <br />Office - Institutional Areas is a category c sis of establishments which offer an array of <br />financial, insurance, real estate, legal, medical d busines services. Such areas generally have public <br />utilities and services available and are locat adjacent to hea i traveled streets. <br />Future UNC Development i category established for Ian wned by the University of North <br />Carolina, including Horace W'llia Airport and adjacent parcels. Such ds are contemplated for expansion <br />of the UNC campus, p:;as ided e Airport is relocated. <br />Retail Trade are limited in Transition Areas, including existing estab ' hments at Starpoint and <br />Calvander. Zdustrial m for expansion was projected in Transition Areas. <br />Li h Areas are singular, consisting of the Chapel Hill Industrial Park on anks Road <br />and the pr osed site between Eubanks Road and Homestead Road are included in this catego <br />Disposal Use Areas consist of landfill sites, either existing or future. The existing landfill on E nks <br />and the proposed site between Eubanks Road and Homestead Road are included in this category. <br />*Rural Buffer and Conservation <br />*Amended <br />4/2/90 <br />2/3/92 (effective 2/24/92) <br />6/9/14 <br />6/17/14 <br />The basic categories of Rural Buffer and Conservation have been combined in the Joint Planning <br />Area Land Use Plan to form a single land use classification — Rural Buffer. <br />The Rural Buffer is defined as being a low- density area consisting of single - family homes situated on <br />large lots having a minimum size of two (2) acres. The Rural Buffer is further defined as land which, although <br />adjacent to an Urban or Transition Area, is rural in character and which will remain rural and not require urban <br />services (public utilities and other Town services). The Rural Buffer is expected to contain low density <br />residential uses ;a agricultural uses exempt from zoning regulations and low- intensity agricultural <br />support use: and consists of the following Joint Planning Area Land Use Plan categories: Rural Residential <br />and Agricultural; Public- Private Open Space; Resource Conservation; New Hope Creek Corridor Open <br />Space; Extractive Use; and the overlay category designated University Lake Watershed Area. <br />Rura nd Aciricultural Areas are low- density areas consisting of s' or' <br />situated on large lots with a minimu acres, exce t c uster subd'v's'on and then <br />adhering to a density limit of 1 unit for ever per divisions, reducing parcels to 1 <br />acre in area, are allowed- s ablished density limits for the entire subdivisio d. In <br />:l <br />