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Resolution #: RES -2015 -023 Attachment 1 3 <br />A RESOLUTION AMENDING <br />THE JOINT PLANNING LAND USE PLAN AND JOINT PLANNING AGREEMENT TO <br />ALLOW FOR THE POSSIBILITY OF LOCATING APPROPRIATE <br />AGRICULTURAL SUPPORT ENTERPRISES IN THE <br />RURAL BUFFER LAND USE CLASSIFICATION <br />WHEREAS, Orange County, the Town of Chapel Hill, and the Town of Carrboro entered into a <br />Joint Planning Agreement originally dated September 22, 1987 and amended from time to <br />time, and <br />WHEREAS, pursuant to the Joint Planning Agreement, a Joint Planning Land Use Plan was <br />adopted on October 13, 1986 by all parties to the Joint Planning Agreement, and has since <br />been amended on several occasions, and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County initiated amendments to the Orange County Comprehensive Plan <br />and Unified Development Ordinance in order to adopt a regulatory program referred to as <br />"Agricultural Support Enterprises Within the Rural Buffer Land Use Classification," a program <br />the County has been working on since 2001, and <br />WHEREAS, amendments to the Joint Planning Land Use Plan and Agreement are necessary <br />prior to Orange County adopting the aforementioned Comprehensive Plan and Unified <br />Development Ordinance amendments, and <br />WHEREAS, a joint public hearing regarding the proposed Joint Planning Land Use Plan and <br />Agreement amendments was held on March 27, 2014, in accordance with the requirements of <br />the Joint Planning Agreement, and <br />WHEREAS, the topic was further discussed by the three governments at the November 19, <br />2014 Assembly of Governments meeting, and <br />WHEREAS, the Towns of Chapel Hill and Carrboro have made recommendations regarding <br />the proposed amendments to the County's Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) which <br />would implement the Agricultural Support Enterprises program within the Rural Buffer land use <br />classification, and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County will incorporate the recommendations made by the Towns into the <br />proposed UDO text amendments which are scheduled to be considered at a later date. <br />NOW THEREFORE, the Board of Commissioners of Orange County hereby resolves that the <br />Joint Planning Land Use Plan and Agreement be amended as shown on the attached pages. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the amendments to the Joint Planning Land Use Plan and <br />Agreement shall become effective upon adoption by the governing bodies of Orange County, <br />Chapel Hill, and Carrboro. <br />