<br />County Property
<br />PIN 0801-01-4625
<br />Thai: certain rc
<br />in lot or pel, of land [ocated itt ("'4
<br />hapel 1,6111 "ownihip, (' unge County, North
<br />(117,axol 1 na and trmav pailicularly described as follows:
<br />BEGINNING at a conftol oorncr haviitgr the 1"b1towiog NmOi Camliam Gtid.,000rdimates!
<br />N: 811,999 819; E-. 2,000,522,804; thence along arul With the wcstm ri,9111-of-way fine
<br />of Pickett RQad - &K.. 1 734 (60''Widc public R/NV) S M`35' 14" 17 150.73'to a, sell [to, n,
<br />pipe; Ownce alang a, Durve having as delta of 23'45'18", a radius, of 1254,(KY, a, length of
<br />520,03", asido chord bearing of S 28" 28'03"' E to a, point Iying oan 11m, wastcm right-of-
<br />way lino of said Pickett, Rom[; thence N 88"' 34' 26' W 101,65' to a set iron pipe;
<br />thtmace K57 24" 48" E,35,65'to an existitlg C01,103'ete MonuMerit in t1ve southen"I right-
<br />of-way I in.c of Em7in Road - ,8,1 . 173 7 (Vaii able Public RiW) lbenct along a cat "e
<br />llavi ng as dO, tea o, f 21" 00" 14", a. rad [us of'311,0.23', a length 01' 1 1109, 78' and a chord hearing
<br />of'N 561-1 241 41" Eto at set iron, pijje; Theitce N W 3 5' 2 12-65' to an existing,
<br />conc�r—ete monurnent in flit UYUtbern right-0 r-way of Said Dwi in Road; Thence a1l)[19 a
<br />curve having adc1taof
<br />he of N 54" 12" 16"" E to as math-ematical Point- aloog, as curve ham a delta
<br />of 011" t 3" 55", a radius of 20917. 58", a, Icmgth of 12.54' and at C1101d bearing of N 52'0 53'"
<br />01 "' 14 to a niathematical point; ffiertce N ST'46 013 "" E 90. 3 5' to a, mathermtkal
<br />dienee, along a crave having as del-La of 1" 12" 5110", a, radius, of 3573.5,6', as lcrtgth, of 75' �711
<br />and as QlK)rd bearlang of N 5.2� 0913 81* E to a matbemadcal, poi rat; dl.,cncc N 5 1' 3 3' 13 "' E
<br />487,49' to an, I rorl pill or pipe". Ownce S '161" ;35" 14"' E 5-� S' to the tvint aned placc of
<br />BECINNING, 9=rding to aplat of survey by Triangle Surveyors, dated, W2012,005,
<br />entitled "'final] Plat Of'MinOr SUbdivision for Property Surveyed for Orange Cowity,"
<br />which pleat is incor"rated hemin by re rence: amid which plat is morded at PlatSook
<br />yy...", Orange County Registry (herwtlei, ""tire Final Plat").
<br />Also convoyed herein WIT',HOUT WARRAN , I , Y71 EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, a,s to the
<br />title thereto, is the following parccl of land, also 401COF4inS ta,r the Final Plot
<br />BEGINNING at as control corner (Sct iron pipe), in the westem, tigIxt-cif-way line of
<br />PjQkett Road - S, R� 11"34 (60' Wide Public IM), and being as corninpon, corner it now
<br />or fimierly (1ertrude Rose (D. B, 1,424202); thence N'99" 475 7"' W' 1,069 3l "' tea a point
<br />-ideliti fied, AS lltp" all Tbe Firm] plat.;, thence N 5x' " "`24" 8 "" E 2'x.85 "` to a 941: iroll pt pc,
<br />thence SISS' 3412611 F 1,011,33.65'to a p(Ant in tbe western right-of-way of said Pickett
<br />koad,,, thence along and. wi(h the westem rip#it-of-way line of ,said Pickett Road along a
<br />curve having as dc1ta of 0' 467 11 "", as ra4ius of 1254.00F, as longth of 16,,85' and as cbord
<br />bearing US 40' 43" 57" E lo a sd irm plpeswid sot koo pil"V bt�hig the point and place
<br />,of BEOINNIN(j,
<br />The proVerti es described above are together Loa I (Jncl usi.ve of R/W De4,1,icatiolin
<br />Property Quitel aimed by Duke Univer0y) shown on the Final, Plat: and are, hereby En. erged
<br />into one parcel, ofland for all purpq.,mws,
<br />KC:323333v1
<br />