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28 <br /> 1 Chair McKee said the County has built schools and purchased land without going <br /> 2 through a bond process. He is not sure that everything that everyone wants should be financed <br /> 3 by a bond. He said parks could be done with regular financing, if all of the borrowing power is <br /> 4 not used up. He said there is also a jail that needs to be built. He wants to hold back on some <br /> 5 amount of borrowing ability to take care of the needs between 2017 and 2020. <br /> 6 Chair McKee said he is uncomfortable with the fact that there is no clear identification of <br /> 7 school priorities. He said if these needs are so great, then the bond may need to be only for <br /> 8 the schools. He has a very unclear idea of what the school needs will be before 2020. He said <br /> 9 if a bond is passed in November of 2016, the funds will probably be accessed in mid 2017, and <br /> 10 even if plans are in place, it will be 2019 until a school is built. He would like a clear picture of <br /> 11 the school needs prior to 2019, so that this money can be taken out of a bond and be put in the <br /> 12 CIP under regular funding to address those projects. <br /> 13 Chair McKee said it is disingenuous to ask a task force to expect other project funding <br /> 14 when there are really one or two priorities that the Board of County Commissioners may be <br /> 15 interested in. He said it is important to be very honest with this task force. He sees his position <br /> 16 as an elected official to be responsible to make that decision regardless of the comfort level or <br /> 17 the re-election potential. He feels the concentration should be on the schools, and he thinks a <br /> 18 decision on whether to place this on the 2016 ballot should wait until they get information from <br /> 19 the schools. <br /> 20 Commissioner Dorosin said the schools will take as much as they can get. He agrees <br /> 21 that if there are 4 votes to create a bond only for schools then that vote should be taken and the <br /> 22 committee should be told. He said if the will of this Board is to only do a bond for schools and <br /> 23 affordable housing then there is no need for a task force. <br /> 24 Commissioner Dorosin said even with a citizens' committee the Board will not <br /> 25 necessarily hear from the whole County. He said it is an insider's game, and the task force will <br /> 26 be made up of people who are interested. He said the point of a bond is to get the public to <br /> 27 make decisions as to what they want the Board of County Commissioners to support. He said <br /> 28 some general categories can be set, and then the Board can see what other ideas bloom. He <br /> 29 said this is a good way to take the temperature of the community. <br /> 30 Commissioner Jacobs said his comments were along similar lines. He said if people <br /> 31 have already made up their minds, then there is no point to impanel a group of citizens. He <br /> 32 thinks the Board should listen to the community. He said the Board can certainly tell the public <br /> 33 upfront what percentage of the money will go to schools, but he wants to hear what the <br /> 34 community thinks. He suggested an invitation for public comment on the bond topics. <br /> 35 Commissioner Burroughs said the schools will take as much money as they are given, <br /> 36 because the needs are so great. She said the schools know how to stretch a dime to make the <br /> 37 buildings better for the children and the staff. <br /> 38 Commissioner Burroughs said she has expressed a real interest in affordable housing, <br /> 39 and she is interested in a task force to determine the optimal way to spend this money. She <br /> 40 said you can think about a task force as a way of defining goals within a specific subject area. <br /> 41 Commissioner Rich said a task force has more than one job. She said part of this is to <br /> 42 help identify what goes on the bond, and the other part is helping educate the public about the <br /> 43 bond. She said if the bond is only going to be for schools then that vote should be taken now. <br /> 44 Commissioner Pelissier said she does not agree that if you limit the topics there is no <br /> 45 need for a task force. She said even if it were just schools, there are still decisions about <br /> 46 priorities and the allocation of the resources. She said affordable housing encompasses a lot of <br /> 47 different needs, and there are a lot of things here that could be discussed and prioritized. <br /> 48 Chair McKee said with this bond issuance, he is supportive of schools and affordable <br /> 49 housing. He said that does not mean that other items cannot be funded through regular <br /> 50 financing. He noted that this is what Chapel Hill is proposing. He said there is no need to limit <br />