Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 Commissioner Pelissier agreed with Commissioner Gordon. <br /> 3 Commissioner McKee said the April time frame is fine with him if they are looking for <br /> 4 consensus. <br /> 5 Commissioner Rich said she thought Commissioner Gordon and Commissioner Pelissier <br /> 6 were trying to get to the next step. She said that is something they discussed at the retreat - <br /> 7 always leave a work session with the next step set. <br /> 8 Chair Jacobs suggested that this item come back one of their regular agendas. He said <br /> 9 the first step will be to agree on the bond amount. He said the Board needs to get some <br /> 10 information from staff on how the bond task forces worked in the past. <br /> 11 He summarized the following 5 issues in reference to a possible bond referendum: <br /> 12 1) amount, 2) topic areas, 3) time frames, 4) information on how it worked before, and 5) what <br /> 13 groups are interested. He said it would also be good to get input from staff on other issues they <br /> 14 find important. <br /> 15 Commissioner Gordon asked that it be worded "any other parameters that staff deems <br /> 16 important," and that it include information about forming a Capital Needs Advisory Task Force. <br /> 17 Chair Jacobs added those two additional items to his listing, as well as a request to staff <br /> 18 from the following information on the past task force: who was on it, how it worked, how long it <br /> 19 took, and how often it met. <br /> 20 <br /> 21 <br /> 22 2. Orange County Parks and Recreation Draft Master Plan 2030 <br /> 23 Clarence Grier said that David Stancil, Director of the Department of Environment, <br /> 24 Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR) would present this item. He said the last <br /> 25 Parks/Recreation Master Plan was in 1998, and several of the parks that they have now were <br /> 26 purchased with the 1997—2001 bond referendum. <br /> 27 David Stancil said tonight would be a sneak preview of the work that has been <br /> 28 happening for the last 18 months. He said a number of different groups had been involved — <br /> 29 two different sets of staff, the Parks and Recreation council and 832 citizens who responded to <br /> 30 their different surveys. <br /> 31 Dave Stancil presented the following PowerPoint: <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Why a New Master Plan? <br /> 34 Existing Plan Has Served Well, But Dates to 1988 <br /> 35 50% Increase in Population Since 1988 <br /> 36 Changes in Community Needs and Interests <br /> 37 Changed Conditions, New Parks, Enhanced Plans <br /> 38 Funding (grant) Agencies Require Newer Plan <br /> 39 Still a Draft Plan <br /> 40 Updating of Maps <br /> 41 Renumbering pages, clean up links <br /> 42 Executive Summary <br /> 43 Appendices <br /> 44 To be Done by PH <br /> 45 Layout of the Draft Master Plan <br /> 46 Review of existing and past plans <br /> 47 Inventory/assessment of facilities (existing/future) <br /> 48 Overview of recreation programs <br /> 49 Driving factors — Demographics, Other <br /> 50 Community Needs Assessment (surveys) — 832 <br /> 51 Relationship and ties to 2030 Comprehensive Plan <br />