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9 <br /> 1 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 2 <br /> 3 c. 2015 - 2019 Consolidated Plan/HOME Program <br /> 4 The Board considered opening the public hearing to receive comments from the public <br /> 5 regarding the housing and non-housing needs to be included in the 2015-2019 Consolidated <br /> 6 Plan for Housing and Community Development Programs in Orange County and proposed uses <br /> 7 of the 2015-2016 HOME funds, and closing the public hearing. <br /> 8 Audrey Spencer-Horsley said the purpose tonight is to receive public comments, which <br /> 9 initiates a community input process for the five year consolidated plan that is required by the <br /> 10 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for funds received by the Orange <br /> 11 County Consortium and Chapel Hill CDBG funds. She said the plan covers housing and non- <br /> 12 housing needs to be included in the 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community <br /> 13 Development Programs in Orange County and proposed uses of the 2015-2016 HOME funds. <br /> 14 She said there will be other opportunities for community input, and prior to submission of the <br /> 15 plan to HUD, there will be on-line surveys and stakeholder meetings. <br /> 16 She said staff has received a final number for the amount of funding that will be <br /> 17 received this year. She said this amount is $311,832, which is $40,000 less than 2014. She <br /> 18 said applications for funding were due by February 20th, and these applications have been <br /> 19 forwarded to the consortium for review. <br /> 20 Commissioner Dorosin asked why the public hearing is being held now when the <br /> 21 application deadline has already passed. He said the purpose is to find out how the community <br /> 22 feels the home program money should be spent, but the applications have already been <br /> 23 submitted to receive the money. He does not understand the timeline. <br /> 24 Audrey Spencer-Horsley said the timeline is not ideal. She said the goal would usually <br /> 25 be to complete this process prior to receiving applications. She said these HOME funds will <br /> 26 represent the annual action plan, which is required for each of the five years. She said this is <br /> 27 the first year in the five year process, and there are four more years of opportunity. She said <br /> 28 the consolidated plan also looks for other funding resources for addressing affordable housing. <br /> 29 Commissioner Dorosin said if the deadline for applications is set outside of our control <br /> 30 then next year, he would suggest that the public hearing be held two months prior. <br /> 31 Audrey Spencer-Horsley said this should be possible next year. She said this year's <br /> 32 process will give them a guide for next year. <br /> 33 Commissioner Price questioned whether this timeline is due to the Board of County <br /> 34 Commissioners schedule or HUD. <br /> 35 Audrey Spencer-Horsley said next year's schedule will be more in alignment with the <br /> 36 Board's expectations, and it will allow more time to get ahead of the curve. <br /> 37 Chair McKee asked if a reason was given for the $40,000 reduction of funds. <br /> 38 Audrey Spencer-Horsley said the funding was reduced at the federal level, and the <br /> 39 County's cut was proportional to this. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> 42 Brian Curran is the secretary of the board of directors for Habitat for Humanity of <br /> 43 Orange County. He said HOME funding continues to be a critical factor in Habitat's building <br /> 44 efforts. He said these funds have been used to leverage millions of dollars in private funding <br /> 45 for the majority of the 250 homes that Habitat has built in Orange County. He said HOME <br /> 46 funding is part of the reason that 50 people now call Phoenix Place home. He said the addition <br /> 47 of Habitat homes has resulted in crime rate reductions and a rise in the rates of home <br /> 48 ownership. He said Habitat is requesting $270,000 in funding for 11 new homes for <br /> 49 homebuyers who earn between 30 and 65 percent of area median income. He said these <br /> 50 funds will be used as second mortgages for Habitat home buyers and will have long term <br />