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2 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 Commissioner Rich asked about the absentee ballots. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Bob Jessup replied that there is a state law standard for absentee ballots, and the Board <br /> 5 of Elections needs to have the ballots out by September 5 th <br /> 6 Clarence Grier said that with the budget and the capital needs work force not yet being <br /> 7 assigned, they do not have the components to make up the bond referendum. He said, weather <br /> 8 permitting, there is a meeting scheduled with both school boards tomorrow to look at their <br /> 9 capital needs assessment. He said the components of the bond have not really been <br /> 10 discussed, and there will hopefully be a new manager soon. This manager will need to deal <br /> 11 with a bond referendum within four months of being hired and this will require his/her full <br /> 12 attention. <br /> 13 James Barrett, CHCCS Board Member, said he thought a spring meeting would be the <br /> 14 best time to bring the approved version of their capital needs plan back to the Commissioners. <br /> 15 Commissioner Dorosin raised the question of how much specificity the Board needs <br /> 16 from the schools for a bond referendum. <br /> 17 Clarence Grier said the Local Government Commission (LGC) requires specification of <br /> 18 what the bonds will be issued for. He said completion of the application will include details, <br /> 19 including what projects the County plans to spend the money on. <br /> 20 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the specificity would be more than "we plan to renovate <br /> 21 dilapidated schools." <br /> 22 Bob Jessup said the LGC wants to see that the County has a plan that uses up all the <br /> 23 money. He said, if it was for renovation projects and the plan was to issue $1 million dollars in <br /> 24 bonds for school renovations, then the plan would need to indicate that there is $10 million <br /> 25 dollars in need. <br /> 26 Commissioner Pelissier asked how they decide how much money would go on a bond. <br /> 27 Clarence Grier said about $100 million would go on the bond, and that is the upper limit <br /> 28 of what the County can do. He said there is over $125 million in the CIP over the next 5 years. <br /> 29 He said it would be hard to go beyond $100 million with the LGC. <br /> 30 Commissioner Pelissier said this would be determined by what the County could afford <br /> 31 versus the needs. <br /> 32 Clarence Grier said the needs amount would probably exceed the amount the County <br /> 33 could issue debt for. He said it would exceed the operating budget on an annual basis, and that <br /> 34 is a concern. He said $100 million dollars is easily affordable within the current debt policy and <br /> 35 capital plan. He said if it goes beyond that, there would be some concerns from the LGC. <br /> 36 Commissioner McKee said his concern is not whether we need to do a bond, but the <br /> 37 timeframe in which to do it. He said with a $100 million dollar limit (and the school needs are <br /> 38 more than that), the County needs, and the current search for a manager, he is concerned that <br /> 39 things would not be done right if done for 2014. <br /> 40 Bob Jessup said that once you start the formal process, one of the first things that is <br /> 41 done is to publish a notice that you are intending to apply to the LGC for approval. He said this <br /> 42 is where you are setting maximum amounts, and you can refine those amounts down, but you <br /> 43 have to set those parameters. <br /> 44 Commissioner Price asked what this would mean for taxes. <br /> 45 Clarence Grier said if the County had to increase taxes, it would be 3.78 cents in FY <br /> 46 2024, and the budget would have to grow to almost $224 million dollars in order to stay within <br /> 47 the debt policy limit of 15%. <br /> 48 Commissioner Dorosin said he had raised this idea at the retreat of trying to do this in <br /> 49 2014 instead of 2015 because of the huge difference in voter turnout. He questioned if 2014 is <br /> 50 too soon, what the significance would be of waiting until May 2016. He said if one of the goals <br /> 51 is to try to maximize participation, then what are the ramifications of going back six months. <br />