Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> I Attachment 1 <br /> 2 <br /> 3 DRAFT MINUTES <br /> 4 BOARD OF COMMISSIONEERS <br /> 5 WORK SESSION <br /> 6 February 11, 2014 <br /> 7 7:00 p.m. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 The Orange County Board of Commissioners met for a Budget Work Session on <br /> 10 Tuesday, February 11, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. at the Southern Human Services Center in Chapel <br /> 11 Hill, N.C. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Jacobs and Commissioners Mark Dorosin, <br /> 14 Alice M. Gordon, Earl McKee, Bernadette Pelissier, Renee Price and Penny Rich. <br /> 15 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: <br /> 16 COUNTY ATTORNEYS PRESENT: John Roberts <br /> 17 COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: Assistant County Manager Clarence Grier and Clerk to the <br /> 18 Board Donna Baker (All other staff members will be identified appropriately below) <br /> 19 <br /> 20 NOTE: ALL DOCUMENTS REFERRED TO IN THESE MINUTES ARE ON FILE IN THE <br /> 21 PERMANENT AGENDA FILE IN THE CLERK TO THE BOARD'S OFFICE. <br /> 22 <br /> 23 Chair Jacobs called the meeting to order. <br /> 24 Chair Jacobs stated that there was one addition to the agenda, which is the Interim <br /> 25 County Manager's recommendation that the work session on Thursday be postponed due to <br /> 26 potentially inclement weather. This will be discussed later. <br /> 27 <br /> 28 1. Potential Bond Issuance Schedule and Timeline for a November 2014 or <br /> 29 November 2015 Bond Referendum <br /> 30 Clarence Grier stated that during the retreat the issue regarding a bond referendum for <br /> 31 November 2014 or November 2015 was discussed. He introduced Bob Jessup, bond council, <br /> 32 who provided two schedules for consideration —one for November 2014 and one for November <br /> 33 2015. <br /> 34 Bob Jessup reviewed the schedules, going through the required steps of the procedure. <br /> 35 He said essentially there are three formal actions and a public hearing, and the process must be <br /> 36 wrapped up in time for the Board of Elections to do their work to get ready for a referendum. <br /> 37 He said the formal process can be accomplished in 60 or 75 days, but it is the part that <br /> 38 will be put into the bond package that often takes the longest time. He said the provided <br /> 39 schedule works on the formal process and it shows that the Board will need to take some of the <br /> 40 formal actions before the summer break. He said Clarence Grier has discussed the timeline <br /> 41 with the Board of Elections, and they will need the final information on the bond question by the <br /> 42 middle of August to make their timeline for preparing the ballots. He said this means getting all <br /> 43 the way through the public hearing before the summer break and then coming back with a mid- <br /> 44 August meeting (which is not currently scheduled) to take any final action if the Board wants to <br /> 45 proceed this November. This is essentially the same issue the Board will face both in <br /> 46 November 2015. <br /> 47 Clarence Grier said the ballot will need to be approved by August 18 and will have to go <br /> 48 out by September 5, 2014 in order to be in compliance with the Federal regulations and meet <br /> 49 the deadline for inclusion on the November ballot. <br /> 50 Chair Jacobs reminded everyone that the Board does not meet between June 17 and <br /> cn <br /> 51 September 4 <br />