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14 <br /> 1 Commissioner Gordon said it would be great to have the pros and cons of each <br /> 2 proposal. <br /> 3 Chair Jacobs said the Board will see the 800 mhz option in their CIP discussion in <br /> 4 March, and then there will be a presentation in two months regarding the various permutations <br /> 5 and the possibility of the 700mhz systems. <br /> 6 Jim Groves said this is correct. <br /> 7 Chair Jacobs asked if there is any possibility of using the phone fee for the 700 mhz or <br /> 8 to have the municipalities attributed to the system. <br /> 9 Jim Groves said Chapel Hill and Carrboro are interested in partnerships. <br /> 10 Chair Jacobs asked if this information regarding partnerships could be included in the <br /> 11 future discussions. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 4. Draft Emergency Services Strategic Plan <br /> 14 Clarence Grier said this is more of an operational strategic plan than a capital strategic <br /> 15 plan. <br /> 16 Jim Groves said this plan was developed to provide some stability in the organization <br /> 17 and to set a professional path for where things need to be. <br /> 18 Jim Groves said this was developed with leadership, employees, and subject matter <br /> 19 experts from other organizations, the university, and state emergency management. <br /> 20 He said two of the big issues that were identified were: lack of communication between <br /> 21 and among divisions, and poor work/life balance (too much overtime). <br /> 22 Jim Groves said a big focus was to concentrate on the goals included in the Board of <br /> 23 County Commissioners' plan and to lend good customer support and community support to <br /> 24 Orange County. <br /> 25 He said the vision statement is "A Prepared, Coordinated, and Integrated Emergency <br /> 26 Services System." He said each division developed a mission statement in support of that <br /> 27 vision. He noted that the graphics on page 7 include the words heard in the study, and the big <br /> 28 words are the big concerns. <br /> 29 He said, within the plan there are strategic goals and objectives, as well as the <br /> 30 approach. He said this has also been taken down the task level, although that has not been <br /> 31 included in the plan. <br /> 32 Jim Groves said there is a lot of community support included, as well as employee <br /> 33 support and stability to make the organization more resilient. <br /> 34 He said within the organization, there are a lot of single points of failure, and those <br /> 35 points can be technology, or people who have no backup. He said there is a goal of building <br /> 36 institutional knowledge within the organization, so that if someone leaves, things can continue to <br /> 37 move forward. <br /> 38 Jim Groves said the last part the plan is the ETHOS, which is what drives the strategic <br /> 39 plan and the organization. He said this shows the core values and principles. He said the new <br /> 40 culture is to build, coach, and mentor employees. <br /> 41 Jim Groves said the implementation will be tracked with charts that show milestones and <br /> 42 timelines. He said this will allow progress to be clearly seen. He said this will be reviewed <br /> 43 annually and modified every 5 years to keep it from being stagnant. He said if the Board of <br /> 44 County Commissioners has any feedback on this draft plan, he is happy to incorporate it. <br /> 45 Chair Jacobs expressed appreciation for the work that was put into the creation of this <br /> 46 plan. <br /> 47 Commissioner Price said she was really impressed with this plan. <br /> 48 Commissioner McKee said this is the mission critical component of Orange County <br /> 49 government. He appreciates the work has been done, and the feedback he has heard has been <br /> 50 very positive. <br />